Home Education Curation Collection. 4th July 2021

in Home Edders3 years ago
Authored by @minismallholding

It's been a little quieter this week. Hopefully that's just down to the hardfork causing people to pause in posting. By all accounts it went smoothly, although curation rewards got reset, somehow. At least it wasn't post rewards. I'm pleased to see the new linear reward system means we can once again support comments and interaction better without burning through our voting power.

First our usual thank you everyone who makes this community what it is. This week Hive for interaction on posts in the HomeEdders community goes to:

• 10% beneficiary - @emimoron
• 4 Hive - @majo77
• 3 Hive - @emiliomoron
• 2 Hive - @ryivhnn
• 1 Hive - @afterglow



As reading goes beyond just recognising letters and the words they form, @emimoron shares how we can develop reading comprehension.

@emiliomoron shares a strategy for using carrying in long addition in a way that keeps things visually apparent, avoiding confusion.

Over at @mildredwg’s they've been getting creative and making hats to help recreate stories. A fantastic idea for role playing and dress up.

It sounds like there have been a lot of changes, with more to come for @thisismylife and family. So some freestyle art was just the thing for winding down letting the creative juices flow.

Thank you for joining us. This curation was brought to you by @minismallholding and this week I have chosen @emimoron to be a 10% beneficiary of this post, and have added in another beneficiary for @justinparke for the ongoing delegation support. Thank you!
HomeEdders image created by @minismallholding, logo created by @ryivhnn's sister.


Supporting home education and educational content. If you’re a home educator, home educated or are thinking about home education, find out what we’re about HERE.

You can join the community by clicking the subscribe button on Hive or Peakd.

please feel free to join us on discord.


A lot of changes indeed, but going with the flow. At kindergarten it's purely play during the summer. So, tomorrow we will have a day of homeschooling again, to catch up a bit on the stuff the little lady got behind on. It's a rainy day when the rest of the week will be HOT again, so it's a good day to catch up on things.

Thanks for mentioning my post! Have a lovely Sunday..

Thank you very much for your support, it is very nice to be part of a community where they value quality content and the desire to share and learn.

I am honored, giving thanks. I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to explore all the piping hot fresh home education content in this community.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

I feel you. Is the move looking imminent?

I'm missing some of our older members. I hope you find time for us again soon.

@tipu curate

Hi friends, thanks for the support and the mention to my post!

You're welcome. Thank you for contributing

Thank you very much for the support you always give us in this community where we share important experiences.