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RE: Mi presentación/ Introduce Myself: Mi Nombre es Lisbeth Chaparro[ESP|ENG]

in Home Edders3 years ago

Hello and welcome to Hive. I've reblogged this to the Natural Medicine community as I feel that this might be an area you connect with more. They cover natural medicines, homesteading and chemical free gardening, along with mental health, healthy eating, meditation and yoga. Probably other subjects I've forgotten at this moment too.

HomeEdders is a community for those educating their children at home, so it is focused more on education and natural learning outside of the school.


Queridísimos amigos muchas gracias por considerarme y ayudarme con su recomendación, disculpe la equivocación, me fue muy difícil esto lo de las etiquetas y las comunidades, pero me seguiré esforzando, por mejorar, nuevamente gracias por la bienvenida y la paciencia.

Dear friends, thank you very much for considering me and helping me with your recommendation, sorry for the mistake, this was very difficult for me about the labels and the communities, but I will continue to strive, to improve, again thanks for the welcome and patience.

Not a problem. Glad to help you to find your place here. I Hope you enjoy it.

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