Puzzles and Power of example 🧩

in Home Edders β€’ 9 months ago

Hey guys,
How are you doing everyone? πŸ’“
Here is getting colder, we can feel the Fall coming slowly and now its perfect time to chill and slow down a bit.

I think I never mentioned that I love doing puzzles. Its a hobby I have for so sooo long ago, I can't even remember. But you know how adult life is and is not often when we dont enjoy these little hobbies.

I was super happy when my son began to show interest in making puzzles, I already imagined the both us resolving a big big puzzle someday and have quality time together.
He was really into puzzles, right after he was one year old.
We started with two piece puzzle, then three and so on.
Now, the biggest one he resolved was a 200 pieces puzzle, a very cute Baby Animal themed puzzle.


And that happened just after he saw me resolving a bunch of puzzles with my friend, this summer.

It happened this summer when me and my girl friend did 4 x 1000 piece puzzles in a short period of time. We didnt know about each other that we both love this (as we arent friends for that long) and this is how it all started.
You see....this very moment, us enjoying time together while making puzzles brought me back the joy and feeling of satisfaction for resolving puzzles and I said I will make time for myself from now on. And even though its a small thing to consider, I did it. I continued with having a puzzle on the table where I get to relax, listening to music or a podcast, drinking a coffee or a tea. πŸ§©πŸ’“πŸ’“

These are the puzzles me and my friend resolved this summer while we were staying together, in vacation.



Where I'm going with this, you wonder.

Whats my point with all this??

Well, as I said before Caleb has had a period of time when he was intensively interested with puzzles but slowly, that happened anymore. He lost his interest, no matter what puzzle it was. I guess thats normal as their hobbies are constantly changing and his brain is in a huge demanding and fast development. Its normal that our kids start to like other things and maybe someday, getting back to what they used to love before.

I realized that he started to love again making puzzles and find them fun and challenging after I did my puzzles.

He took me as an example.

He even was active and willing to help us with resolving the puzzles.
And I'm telling you, this kid has an eye for it because very often me and my friend were Wooooow"! How did he know where to put that piece?, we thought.

And then, when we came home, he took all of his puzzles and more then two weeks, he was into it.
He kept making puzzle after puzzle, all of his puzzles.

Here I let you some pictures I took.











What I'm trying to say is that, as parents, we are their examples. But I'm convinced you already know this.
They look to us and take us as models. The way we live, the way we do things, the way we talk and everything we do , is what they'll take and have meaning to their lives, no matter in what aspect.

Same goes with homeschooling or education.

If you want your child to love reading, then he needs to see you reading first.
If you want him to eat healthy, you need to eat healthy.
If you want your kids to enjoy coloring, you should enjoy it too. Stay by their side, have a little time together, try enjoying it so he can see this enjoyment.

I think that its a possibility that at some pount, for some kids, this wont work. That can happen as well. But in most cases, parents can influence their children by acting the way they want their children to act. Sometimes it can last, sometimes maybe not.

I am sure that if I didnt do those puzzles, he wouldnt be in love with this activity anymore.
I just know it. I feel it. I SEE it!
He's still interested in puzzles. And I buy him a new one every now and then.



What about you?
Do you or your kids enjoy making puzzles? 🧩
Do you think you have the power to influence your kid and change what they like or might enjoy? Do you think they see you as example and what you do have huge have a huge impact regarding their hobbies or general speaking, their way of being?

P.S. This is me and Caleb, both working on our puzzles, side by side. πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ₯Ή


And im case you're curious to know, this is what I'm working at right now 🌍 (I only have a few pieces left) and this is what I'll start next. πŸ…πŸ†πŸ§©

Next puzzleWork in progress

Stay safe and have a lovely weekend!

love, Missdeli πŸ’“

Sort: Β 

heeey +1 to our similarities;))
I adore puzzles too! my God how I was in love with them in my childhood!! I was dreaming that me and my parents were making puzzles together. But we never did;) At that time we have much less puzzles in markets, and I didn't have a chance to play them often, but it magneted me greatly!

now I adore to buy puzzles for my son and now I have his company for me;)) we play them together;))

your puzzles pictures are so cool!
your are right about kids hobbies and examples parents give to their kids. Visual example works 100% better than any lectures and advice.

I'm sometimes surprised how many things we have in common. πŸ’“πŸ’“
I hope you'll buy a beautiful one soon and enjoy making it together.

We parents set example.for the kid....they start learning the basics from.home....it is like moulding in whatever shape we want to....puzzle is a nice way to keep.the kids busy and occupied at least much better than mobile...here, many families simplynhand over the phone to keep the kids busy which is no way good ...to nurture them it is important we keep.them.busy with productive things...like puzzle itself which is also good for brain

Truly, all you said. And agree with you 100%.
Thank you for making time to reply here, I truly appreciate it. And I know you are a good dad, from all I've read from your posts. 😊

I've never had the patience for jigsaw puzzles. I do Lego Technic which is kind of similar, but way different I guess.

I think it's really cool what you do with your little one...you look to be a legit mom; nice work.

I hope you have a good weekend.

Β 9 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Hehe. My husband is a Lego fan too and same as you, he's not into jigsaw puzzles. He kept many Lego editions, old ones.
I wanted a few times to post in your lego community, our Caleb also started playing with them. His dad bought him a few already. Its their thing. πŸ˜…πŸ’—

I really appreaciate your words, I know you're honest. So I thank you. πŸ₯Ή

And yes, I am having a good weekend so far. Right now I'm watching a box game with the husband LOL: Fury vs Ngannou. πŸ™ˆ

Lego is one of those things that transcend age I think. I loved it as a kid and love it still.

I'm glad you're having a good weekend and I hope you enjoyed the fight.

Well, I cant say I truly enjoyed it. I was watching it just because of my husband. Lol πŸ˜…
You can tell I'm not into watching boxing fights but because it was something "bigger" in boxing world, lets say I was OK spending my time watching this. 😁

Yeah, I'm not surprised, boxing isn't for everyone I guess.

Well, I think most girls and women aren't crazy about it. 😁

True, but it's nice that you'll watch it just to accompany your partner.

I really love solving puzzles but haven't purchased one yet. I'll make time purchasing this one coz this reminds me that this is is what I love to own when I was a kid. 😊 Also, playing with your kids really stronger your bonds.

Cool to hear it! I hope you'll buy one and enjoy solving it😊

Now that's some giant puzzle you've got there and I love each and everyone of them!😊

It's nice to see you and your little one work on your puzzles side by sideπŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Glad you love our puzzles and us too. Hehe
Sending greetings from Romania πŸ’“

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