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That's such a wise information coming up from you. You will not believe in some of the schools here, there are as many as 50 to 60 children in one class. I can imagine the state of the Teacher, she is also helpless, how is she really going to make sure that every child understands what is being taught. When I was giving tuitions way back during my college days, I could barely handle 3 at a time to make sure that they understand what is being taught.


50?? Unbelievable...then it's clear why modern youth has so low level of education and knowledge.. It's really awful. And you're right, I wouldn't like to be a teacher. Actually, that's why I don't work as a teacher, though my diploma allows me doing it. It's hell job for so low and miserable salary. here it's about 500$ per month in a good place (or even lower). You've endless responsibility, duties, hundred kilos of paper work + lessons, and so few really clever pupils with gratitude and love..

I had practice at school when I was a student too. We've about 10 pupils per 1 teacher (a class was divided into 2 groups). It was ok, but NOT more. 30 is just Hell. 50 - no comments...