in Home Edderslast year


Do you notice that unschooling kids study much faster than ordinary schoolpupils?

And now I don't mean than there are 20-30 pupils in one class, and of course, they require much time to study something than just a single kid at home.
It influences the studying process much without any doubt.

It does matter how many pupils are in one group to study new information. That's why it's much better to study in small classes 5-7 pupils maximum. But there are NO such classes in public schools. Moreover, private schools here in Russia don't have theim either, as a rule, it's 15-20 pupils in the best case, but now most schools have classes with 30-35 pupils!! 😮

My son attends sport gymnastics classes, and even there there are 5-6 kids in one group, and I've chosen this very kind of groups because they are much more effective. But it's sport, when it touches intellectual tasks and studying the number of kids plays even more important role!

But even if we don't pay attention on this fact, still there is a question Why kids waste so much at schools?

And to see the reply, ler's just analyze school curriculum.
Kids come to school in September and study there till June.
9 months + 3 summer free months of rest.
But in fact they do NOT study for 9 months.

there are 1-2 weeks vacations in every season: 2 weeks in winter + 1 week in spring + 1 week in fall = 4 weeks, so - 1 month

Now we've only 8 months for studying.
And it's not all.

September is time after summer vacations, and in September it's only the start and the beginning of a new studying year both for teachers and kids, and they all need time to turn on their brains and be ready to teach and study.

September is never time for studying, only repetition and remembering of what they have already studied to be ready to go on.
So - 1 month.
7 months are left.

And May is not a month for studying as well. Kids never study in May. It can be time for exams, tests, for bringing textbooks to libraries and other organisational processes - never studying.

Minus 1 month.

6 months are left!
6 of 12!

So at school kids study only 6 months a year. Not 9 like all think.
Moroever, these 3 summer vacation months influence their knowledge very bad because it's too long term for kids' memory to keep info. Most of it is forgotten if kids don't repeat it in June-August, but they never do it!
All ikids hate school and, they are all eager to rest and forget about all school mess they had to learn during the educational year.

Now you see why unschooling kids saves much more time for their education.


That's such a wise information coming up from you. You will not believe in some of the schools here, there are as many as 50 to 60 children in one class. I can imagine the state of the Teacher, she is also helpless, how is she really going to make sure that every child understands what is being taught. When I was giving tuitions way back during my college days, I could barely handle 3 at a time to make sure that they understand what is being taught.

50?? Unbelievable...then it's clear why modern youth has so low level of education and knowledge.. It's really awful. And you're right, I wouldn't like to be a teacher. Actually, that's why I don't work as a teacher, though my diploma allows me doing it. It's hell job for so low and miserable salary. here it's about 500$ per month in a good place (or even lower). You've endless responsibility, duties, hundred kilos of paper work + lessons, and so few really clever pupils with gratitude and love..

I had practice at school when I was a student too. We've about 10 pupils per 1 teacher (a class was divided into 2 groups). It was ok, but NOT more. 30 is just Hell. 50 - no comments...

I studied in a public school here in our country too, and we are a total of 45 pupils in class. But I was really eager to study hard that time.

so Russian 30-35 pupils is still not bad...
it's awful, in any case, no good knowledge can be got in such conditions.

A teacher can focus on his/her lessons if he/she has few students only. I can say homeschooling has more advantage because you can give its of activities and can facilitate well.

yeah, 30 pupils can't be a good educated group even if there are only good pupils there (though it's impossible, kids are different). Too many pupils...too many.

Yes, you are right. ☺️