Hive Daily Mix - Trending - 2024-05-09

The first AI powered recap of the best trending posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

May 9

Stuff like this restores my faith in humanity. - by @fernandosoder
The post expresses gratitude towards strangers who sent help to normalize living situation after surviving a catastrophe. The author thanks specific individuals and acknowledges the support received.

A little walk at Chicago's Riverwalk - by @coquicoin
Original language: English, Spanish
The post narrates a walk along the Chicago Riverwalk, highlighting the history of the river, the architecture of the city, and the various bridges encountered during the walk.

Diario en Hive #5 - Una Noticia Embarazosa - feat @grisvisa - by @eddiespino
Original language: Spanish
El autor comparte una noticia especial y muestra fotos de su futuro hermano mayor en un video. También propone un nombre para sus futuros posts y promueve la interacción con los lectores.

Signup for a new Hive Account with BTC Lightning - by @brianoflondon
The post introduces a way to sign up for a new Hive account using BTC Lightning, explaining the process step by step and highlighting the benefits of having a Hive account.

Arcade - Duncan Laurence (Cover by Melitza) - VIBES Week 10 [ENG-ESP] - by @melitzamusic
Original language: English, Spanish
A cover of the song 'Arcade' by Duncan Laurence performed by Melitza for the Vibes Web3 Music Competition, showcasing her vocal range and talent.

¡Auxilio, abuelita!… No agarre el juguete, lo tome prestado | Motherhood On Hive | Juntos por @manujune (Es –En) - by @mafalda2018
Original language: Es, En
The post discusses the issue of children taking objects that do not belong to them and the potential consequences, emphasizing the need for parental attention and guidance.

Different aspirations - by @fotostef
The post recounts a walk with different aspirations among the author, their dog, and another person, capturing moments through photography and foraging oregano.

Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 10 - How? (A song by my own) by @valenzam - by @valenzam
A submission for the Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 10, featuring a song by the author in Spanish titled 'How?'

Hold me closer | Eurovision Competition Song for Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week #10 - by @suanetmusic
A musical tribute to Palestinian women using the song 'Hold me Closer' by Sarah Bonnici from Malta, in the Eurovision competition.

Celebrando con HBD en @holasupercenter - by @wendyth16
Original language: English, Spanish
Celebrating with HBD at @holasupercenter, sharing shopping experiences and crypto adoption in Cumaná-Sucre

Edmonton Oil Fields - by @daveks
A nostalgic look back at Canada's centennial stamps from 1967, highlighting Alberta's oil fields and prairie town grain elevators.

Danza de Pasión | Fusionando Australia (Pavlova) con Sudáfrica (Melktert) | Gané el 1er lugar [ES][EN] - by @josecarrerag
Original language: Spanish, English
A pastry student wins first place in a fusion dessert competition by combining Australian and South African desserts in a creative way.

❤️🐾🐈😜🙄Tale of 3 Tails - Chapter 33: Imagine That? Don't Argue With a Cat! ❤️🐾🐈😜🙄 - by @clairemobey
A humorous anecdote about the author's interactions with their cats and how they have to share their workspace and attention with them

Day 3 of EBC - by @nainaztengra
A recount of a relaxed acclimatization day during an Everest Base Camp trek, with a visit to the Tenzing Norgay Sherpa Heritage Centre.

Mis nuevas pijamas.. 🎁🫂🤗 Esp-Eng - by @cirangela
Original language: Español, English
The post showcases a collection of new pajamas received as an advance gift, highlighting the comfort, quality, and variety of prints.

Train Cars Coffee and Kava - by @livinguktaiwan
Exploring the Train Cars Coffee and Kava cafe located inside a train carriage in Nederland, Colorado, offering a unique dining experience.

Life is good and irrational - by @zirochka
The post reflects on the beauty of life's simple moments and the irrationality of faith and joy amidst challenging circumstances.


Thanks so much for the shout out! I'm glad you enjoyed my kitty post ❤️🙏

Thanks for the mention.