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RE: Time as The Best Free (+Incentivized) Educational Asset in Hive - How We Can Use It for Engagement, Retention and Advocacy

in #hive-engine3 months ago

Agreed, I had some good help from my #cwh family, and even with that, it took me a long time to start to find my way around and learn things. I would have definitely become discouraged and given up without some hand holding. I now almost exclusively just post to Hive now. This is also most definitely a good form of kindness. I recently started a community for kindness too, and would love to incorporate helping new users into that.

Right now I'm halfway through a kindness challenge and collaboration with @dreemport, so I would not be able to even contemplate anything until after that, but it is on my radar.

Thanks again my friend.


Greg, can I have a link to your community for kindness? Thanks!

Certainly, you can reach it from whichever front end you prefer, but here is the PeakD link:

Thank you Greg. I appreciate it!

Thank you my friend!