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RE: Hive will go the way of Steemit if no Community Manager

in #hive2 years ago

Yes, the management certainly looks conflicted on what they want to happen here.
If it were inevitable, as it may have been in 2016, we could just wait for it to happen, but being better tech didn't help betamax much.

We have to stop voting rewards to dumpers, imo.
The price would still be 8usd if they hadn't drove it.
The question is how much is still held by those that drove the price down to what it is.
Once we can see the top of that hill, maybe we can look at actually living up to the promises.
Our venture crapitalusts are still drinking our blood, as it were.


Very true. Which is why I was against 50 50 rewards. Whales dont get diluted now until they sell. Under 75 25 they got diluted everyday

There hasn't been too many forks that didn't disadvantage the havenots.
All laws favor the rich, or they change them.