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RE: COVID-19 & THE HIVE PROPOSAL; What is the truth?

in #hive4 years ago

Yes because buzz is a strong determinant of the value of most entities these days. Especially if there's a positive sentiment around the internet. Here's an academic publication to back my first statement
Research gate

Well, considering Hive doesn't have a marketing department, and that we're Decentralised, it is our collective responsibility to promote/shill the platform. We all made loud enough noise to make John McAfee, cointelegraph and numerous reputable outlets talk about us. Or do you want to say that all those events were also coordinated by the select few?

Don't get me wrong, I'm taking nothing away from input but as a community, we all work to our collective capacities and with our resources. If certain members ask to be paid for their services from the community fund for that, then I don't get where we're going.