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RE: Can't get better marketing than this

in #hive4 years ago

Man I'm kind of sad at the moment about Bittrex (not the HIVE pump obviously) but I've been using them and promoting them for like 5 years now, been fully KYC verified for at least 4, never had a single problem with them. Always been my favorite exchange, but about 2 weeks ago I went to log in and they randomly locked my account and said they were unable to verify me.

I find this really strange as I've been fully verified for at a minimum 4 years. I actually got verified before they had the automated system because I had to go through the whole support ticket and wait a couple weeks for someone to manually verify me etc. Anyway, I'm now basically just locked out of withdrawing anything from their exchange, I've had support tickets open for about 2 weeks, almost no communication.

Hopefully this is just a COVID-19 related issue with staffing reduction or something, but it's a firm reminder that even an exchange that I felt was 100% trustworthy and have personally recommended and taught people how to use etc are still centralized exchanges and anything can happen when other people hold your crypto.

Luckily I don't keep any funds on exchanges. Period. I'm assuming that when I was doing some heavy arbitrage trading during the HIVE dip something must have set off an audit or something, but anyway, I just want to make sure people know what's going on. Hopefully it's nothing and I get my account back soon, but time will tell.


Yep, this is exactly why I don't leave anything on them and I'd prefer to use only dex, but the liquidity on many of the dex is so low that it's not always feasible. I've been looking into Block DX and it's one of the most promising I've seen, but again there's basically no liquidity. Hopefully more people will be moving to a dex in the future and we can break this cycle of centralized exchanges fucking people.