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RE: Key Take Aways from HIVEFEST 2020 & My suggestions & My proposal to the Community

in #hive3 years ago

Thanks for your quick response.

How is the progress pretty slow on STEMGeeks? It seems to be working pretty well. What metric are you using to determine progress is slow?

I believe the UI is very basic and shall get additional features, like the search feature and more I'm talking about in my post. I believe PeakD like, or LEO like UI's will attract more users, also in the STEM side of things.

STEMGeeks is more amateur and hobbyist friendly and no particular focus on any of the STEM topics, although I am personally more Technology focused.

I really don't see why these two focus areas can't be merged. At some stage I think we can breakup in all sort of services and communities, but we need to get to a critical mass. Yes, we have lots of chain users, but just a handful of active users. I believe we shall work as much as possible together, grow the user base and when we reach critical mass, we can further decentralise and breakout sub-genres, topics and what not.


I believe the UI is very basic and shall get additional features, like the search feature and more I'm talking about in my post. I believe PeakD like, or LEO like UI's will attract more users, also in the STEM side of things.

There is really no budget for such a thing, it's a big project to rebuild the site (would cost $10,000-20,000). With no revenue stream, really can't justify such a cost, especially since Hive doesn't have a lot of people writing about STEM topics to begin with.

I really don't see why these two focus areas can't be merged. At some stage I think we can breakup in all sort of services and communities, but we need to get to a critical mass. Yes, we have lots of chain users, but just a handful of active users. I believe we shall work as much as possible together, grow the user base and when we reach critical mass, we can further decentralise and breakout sub-genres, topics and what not.

We both have totally different goals and very different projects.

There is really no budget for such a thing, it's a big project to rebuild the site (would cost $10,000-20,000). With no revenue stream, really can't justify such a cost, especially since Hive doesn't have a lot of people writing about STEM topics to begin with.

I understand costs involved. Some high power users seem to vote for the StemSocial proposal. Not enough, but when you (and your team) and the StemSocial team work together, create a joint proposal, the funds could very well be coming from our own proposal system. I know I will vote for it... though my vote is not worth a lot, I know. But I'll do all my best to get the number of votes required.

Added to that, the HIVE based STEM shall be promoted in various ways. Am not a marketing specialists, but some other teams have gained lots of experience already with marketing like the Leo team or the Splinterlands team. In collaboration with them and maybe others in the community and from other dApps in our ecosystem, this could be given a nice boost.

We both have totally different goals and very different projects.

In the 'detail' this maybe true. Have you seen the content from the other team? Not so much different. But I have an outsiders view, which makes it easier to see the simularities.

You know? I curate music side of HIVE every single day and in that area I hate to see soo many HIVE communities. I fully understand why, all communities have a different angle. But when I put on my helicopter hat, I see a super fragmented music section at HIVE, and because of that, this section is harming itself from growth. Because of such fragmentation, I even see lots of music post not posted into any community. The users don't know where to go. I try to help and give information and support. But even that doesn't seem to help a lot. Though I get some positive results here and there 🙃🎶

I understand costs involved. Some high power users seem to vote for the StemSocial proposal. Not enough, but when you (and your team) and the StemSocial team work together, create a joint proposal, the funds could very well be coming from our own proposal system. I know I will vote for it... though my vote is not worth a lot, I know. But I'll do all my best to get the number of votes required.

I'm not sure I really agree with much of what is being funded, most of it isn't being used by many people and they are dumping it on Binance.

I don't think STEMSocial even works right now. Last few times I have checked it was down and the project leads said they are too busy to work on it.

When I built STEMGeeks, I didn't really know that much about SteemSTEM (the name at the time) and tribes were very new. There was no Hive communities either. I wanted to encourage more STEM related content here.

There was no Hive communities either. I wanted to encourage more STEM related content here.

I very much appreciate that :) It has been a bit of time ago I've last spoken with the StemSocial guys as well. Though they may be a bit quiet now, that doesn't mean they can be woken up again?

I'm not sure I really agree with much of what is being funded, most of it isn't being used by many people and they are dumping it on Binance.

Yea, that's maybe true, but that doesn't mean a STEM project could not be funded? And maybe not a lot of funds are required initially anyway.

I realise, when building a UI from scratch, is a lot of work. But somehow the LEO team seem to have used code from PeakD before their recent UI upgrade (and maybe they still using some PeakD code, I dont know, but their previous UI was very much similar to PeakD). PeakD guys said at one point in time, they plan to open source. Since they are funded right now from the proposal system, I would assume this became a reality. Not that I like PeakD UI the best, but it has lots of features to make the STEM experience better, build right into it. Anyway, as I mentioned at the end of my post, I'm a problem solver as well as someone who can dream... I maybe dreaming now just right after Hivefest, but it give me lots of enthusiasm and energy to try to help and support where I can.

I realise, when building a UI from scratch, is a lot of work. But somehow the LEO team seem to have used code from PeakD before their recent UI upgrade (and maybe they still using some PeakD code, I dont know, but their previous UI was very much similar to PeakD).

First off, Leo is not using any Peakd code although they used some design ideas from Peakd.

Leo is able to do it because Khal took a big risk but in the end he has a unique advantage no one can mimic. Finance is a common theme with everyone here on Hive. Every other tribe is a tiny niche out of a small community. Finally everything Khal does is on topic with the tribe. For example if I created wrapped STEM token very few would be interested as STEMGeeks is nothing to do with crypto and won’t get the same interest and excitement. It also makes it uniquely hard to create interest and revenue.

I do understand the difference in STEM and Leo and their focus and interest right from the community and outside HIVE from the crypto universe (well, initially Ethereum users I suppose). For STEM it's certainly not that easy. However, ways must exists to bring STEM to the next level. I have no idea how big or small this topic is, but many ezines services around publishing in this space. With some creativity, some passion and some work, opportunities can be found to grow STEM at HIVE. When you are interested I'm more than happy to connect through a voice session so we can share information and perhaps brainstorm a bit to see if we can get to some low hanging fruit? I already gave some ideas for funding, and I believe STEM should be possible to receive funding. With funds, the first steps can be made already, making following steps easier.

I'm working on some SEO for STEMGeeks and trying to get in the door of some Schools and Universities. Both are quite difficult due to the unique issues here.