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RE: The Once a Year Hive Post

in #hive • 2 years ago (edited)

So are some sick numbers on consistency! I'm almost done doing my first month ever with Posting once every day, and I've been around for almost as long as you have 🤣.

Seems like every time I do post daily for a week, I need 2 weeks break...

Thanks for a lot of cool time shared on the Block though! All the way back to #General2 and #dangerzone to krakow and on-chain engagement. Keep it up! Im sure many, myself included, could take a lot of tips from you when it comes to writing habits and process.


I'm almost done doing my first month ever with Posting once every day

You will savor that badge!! 2 more days.

Seems like every time I do post daily for a week, I need 2 weeks break...

Perhaps it is like the gym for me :)

It has been fun, hasn't it? 5 years here has gone very fast in so many ways - at least if not remembering the daily grind through the bears :)

Have a great weekend mate!