My Hive Story

in #hive2 years ago

I keep seeing this "Hive Story" thing making the rounds, and ever since I read @celestal's about a week ago, I keep meaning to write my own. I've been feeling a little reminiscent, as per this post, so I figured this might be an excellent outlet for my nostalgia.


How long have you been on the Blockchain?

According to my profile, since August 2017. Man, that's a lotta time. I just keep thinking back to my life at that point, and how different it is now. Funny the things that stay constant, and the ones that vanish, eh?

What was your background in cryptocurrency when you first came to the Blockchain?

None, whatsoever. In fact, for the first few months, I didn't even regard STEEM as "real money", more like an in-game currency, you know?

What was your background in writing when you first came to the Blockchain?

I'd always enjoyed writing, and had written a handful of short stories. See, I was determined I wanted to be a writer, but didn't actually understand all the work that went into that. It was only after I discovered @mariannewest 's 5-minute freewrite prompts that I started writing daily.

How many people did you know when you first came to the Blockchain?

At the very first, I only knew my mom, @ladyrebecca, who introduced me to the platform.

How did you meet people when you first came to the Blockchain?

I remember trying to be real slick, commenting on posts from "big users", trying to get them to notice me. Don't think that worked too well, though. My own posts slowly started getting some traction, and the same bunch of people were commenting on most of them, so I just sort of started interacting with them, and forgot about getting the whales to notice me. And thank the gods I did, otherwise I don't think I would've stuck around very long.

Who did you look up to when you first came to the Blockchain?

It's hard to say. I remember liking @arbitrarykitten 's posts, and also @ericvancewalton 's. @richq11 was also someone I met and enjoyed interacting with early on. I don't remember "looking up" to anyone in particular, rather looking for people whose story and tone resonated.

How would you describe your first three months on the Blockchain?

Confused. Filled with self-doubt. Also great fun. Like many, I was seeing the platform like your average social media thing, and as is the case with social media, I quickly got to worrying that my own feed wouldn't be interesting enough.

As I said, I also enjoyed them a lot. I think a lot, and I was using my blog as an outlet. It helped me explore and expand on my thoughts, which is one of the things that kept me coming back, I suppose.

Has being a part of the Blockchain changed you in any way for the good?

To be fair, there should also be a reverse question here :P

Yes, in so many ways. I met a lot of exciting people, many of which I feel quite close to, despite never meeting online. The platform helped me understand, to some extent, how much larger the world is than my eighteen-year-old universe was, back then. It helped me find people who think similarly to me, and folks I resonate with a great deal.

It also got me to take writing seriously. I don't know if I'd be writing the way I am today if it wasn't for this place, and to me, that's pretty huge.

What is your favorite memory from your time on the Blockchain?

Imma echo a lot of users here, and say Steemfest. I only attended the third one, in Krakow, but to me that was one of the most exciting and crazy experiences of my life. The people I met there continue to be some of the coolest I've met to this day, and just getting to hang out with them, and just be surrounded by all these wildly different people - it was insane.

It was also a much-needed adventure and breath of life, at that point in my life, so it was in many ways life-changing for me.

If you could advise a new person signing up to Hive, what would it be?

Don't worry about the money, maybe? If your primary focus is how to rake in the big votes, you're never going to win here. Sure, it's a great side gig to get an extra buck or two, but the people here tend to sniff out gold-diggers pretty quickly, and that way, you'll miss out on the whole community experience. And as you can tell, from my answers, that's the main part here.

Okay, this was fun.



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You're one of the better writers on here, and I'm glad you're till here! You do what good writers do; explore ideas and places and facets of human nature in a way that gets the reader interested and thinking about things so they can clarify their own understanding of issues that matter in this world.

I hope you do continue! Keep doing what you do, and wishing you all the best in the new year! :)