
This is such a kind thing to say @eii, I’m flattered you feel that way.

I’m not gone, sir, just absent for awhile. Between traveling, my wife getting sick, and now being caught overseas in this Corona thing, my posting priorities are nonexistent—I’m sure you understand.

I still have three SD cards full of images to share with you when I come back, thank for appreciating my work, it’s nice to be missed. I’ll see you soon!

Be healthy!

I like @themarkymark. Diversity in what he posts, and actually interesting stuff that I read as well.

@nonameslefttouse Absolutely love his content

if I could only read posts of one person, it would be the same answer.

I like @edicted.

Mhhh that's tricky, because you need to pick someone that will post often enough for your feed to not be boring. So I would go with @tarazkp

@hiveio, but thankfully we can follow more than one account.


He doesn't post a lot but when he does it is really well thought out and usually about something important.

Pfff... Really?! He must be paying you for that 😁 cuz that's what I heard he does to keep his followers.

În loc să zici Merci,că încerc să-ți fac reclamă...😎

Gracias 😎

I will follow @tarazkp

Everyone should follow one account @hiveqa 🤣

but I already do LOLL


so you should have said me :(

but I love you so will forgive you LOLL

OOOP! hahaha next time and thank you for forgiving me! 😁

you are very welcome LOL

pretty hard and strange :) question !
but @acidyo I think !

If it just one I will prefer to be informed by the @hiveio account.
But if it should be a content creator it will be @theycallmedan
Some interesting thoughts and energy.


I'm 10 minutes away from going to sleep and just burst laughing like a mad man. Sense of humor appreciated. Now I have to reconsider my choice 😁.

Cuz he knows whatsup


Really not me? I'm dissapointed.

Following myself would be interesting but if i had to pick another it would be @midlet.

@innerhive dong, semoga Hive Power anda banyak lagi nanti sesegera mungkin ya 😅

No comprende.

@ocd will be my choice ^_^

That's really hard! I don't think I can pick just one.

No soup for you!

I would follow @elindos to stay up to date on the new Hive game, Exode

Now that was fast

@nonameslefttouse; he gives me a good laugh every day. Unless he goes away for 6 months again. Then I will be stuck staring at the screen in suspense until my eyeballs fall out.

@msp-curation cause it rehives (rehives? Lol idk) all the great content that is curated by the minnowsupport curation team so... Only quality content in my feed.

I like @ocd

@mnallica excellent photographer

By his gorgeous and always flourish prose, I would have to go with @everittdmickey in a blink of course.

@innerhive i would chosse @creativetruth because he is so creative. I could see it on his name i could read it on his post :)

Please, expansate on how to Vote for Hive I'm a novice here. Just a new comer into Hive Community

Everyone should follow @soundwavesphoton 🤪

@gringalicious brings a lot of value in terms of making high quality content with very broad appeal

@theycallmedan I guess. The initiatives he pushed are beneficial to the community plus the incentives he's giving helps a lot.

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HiveBuzz - Hive Gamification Experience
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Okey I choose you as a witness dear ..

@maxigan - just to watch him get downvoted for no reason - unless of course the CIA is on hive.

Yours, entertaining and you got that voting power that makes it ☔️