You are a fantastic writer so I'll urge you to stay! Just as Ms Melinda said, we have lots of good folks here and communities that are not strict. You just need to research them.
Newbies do not have it easy here and I'm thankful for The Terminal that had my back at the beginning and they still do amongst other kind hearted folks.
No doubt, you will come across mean, entitled people. That's how every society works - there's the good, bad and the ugly.
I experienced something similar in a discord group yesterday when I politely asked whether anyone noticed that autovotes were not working. Only for an entitled, mean girl to jump in, assume I was there to 'promote my post' (hahaha) and ask that couldn't I just manually vote? 😂
If you must correct someone, do it nicely. Be polite.
I couldn't agree more!
It's okay you aired your feeling here. That's what writing is about - a means of expressing ourselves and views. I hope you will reconsider your decision. 🙂
@kemmyb Thank you for saying that I am a fantastic writer. That is very kind. I agree with you about people assuming the worst. I always find it unfortunate when people assume the worst of others, especially when they don't know anything about those others. I am probably a bit too sensitive at times, but I very much appreciate all the wonderfully supportive comments like yours, and I think I will be giving this another shot.