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RE: Follow Friday: Closing out the year

in #hive5 months ago

Thanks so much for the mention man! I've only got 2 more posts to go and I'll get the yearly badge. Then I'll do power-up day, on the 1st, and I'm going to take a breather so I can focus on a few other creative endeavors. Video production for a few ideas, more songs too, and I want to get back into model making/ animation again. My only problem is space, back home I have a small office, but here in my partner's house, I don't have anywhere I can set up to do that kind of stuff.

I'd like to read more than I write here, and I think that's what my 2024 will look like. I'll still post, but I want to reel it back to about 3 or so posts a week while continuing to check in daily with everyone on here.

Also, I'm delighted to see us get back into the top 300. I have a good feeling about Hive for this bull run and am so happy I've been able to build my HP up so much at the price it has been.

I actually thought of an idea recently that might get some more eyes on Hive. So, there are these YouTube guys who read Reddit stories and posts. What if we got a small group of writers who made up stories to post on Reddit, and in some way, we could incorporate Hive into those stories, on the off chance that one could go viral? The YT videos reach 100's thousands of views, and we have a lot of good writers here. Now that I'm not daily posting I want to spend the time I did writing on some of these ideas I've had.


We definitely need more readers here. You have to find the right balance for you. You seem to have plenty going on so keep us updated.

Happy new year.

Happy new years man!

100%, the balance is the important aspect to Hive, and social media in general I suppose.

I'll keep everyone updated and will share everything I'm getting up to.