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RE: The Once a Year Hive Post

in #hive2 years ago

I am currently the highest ranked "real person" that didn't do anything dodgy to be there

Ooo sounds like some drama, pray tell.

Not missing a day of posting since 2017 is impressive. I have a hard time even posting 5 days per week lol.

Congrats on 5 years. That's a long time but I'm guesthat you'll still be around in another five years an still feeling the same. We have a good community here. Hopefully that never changes.


The others above are either initiatives (2) past self-voters with immense stake (1) or bot buyers (1).

I am planning on seeing what happens when the inflation rate is a flat 1% - that is in 2034 I think ;D

Of course you know the year.

Around about...

Okay I see. Yeah it's pretty easy to get a high rep when you're a whale and you self vote yourself a million times lol.

What's inflation at now? I generally don't follow that sort of news, I probably should though.

I think it is around 6.75% a year - will have to find out! :D