Reminder: Hive desperately needs a complete overhaul - it's the only way

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

I don't have much to say, so I'll keep this short.

Every upgrade to Steem in the past are whack-a-mole knee-jerk changes to the protocol that were supposed to save Steem. Instead, some did bring improvements, but also drawbacks. This has continued for 4 years. Now that it's Hive, they want to cut curation rewards by 75%. Needless to say, if that is implemented I'll quit the platform, for good this time.

But I don't want to criticize this particular change, but the general ethos of the community that has led to this project continuously bleeding out.

Steem has failed, Hive has failed. Giving away free tokens from massive inflation has failed. This whole concept has - unequivocally, absolutely and miserably - failed.

When will the developers learn? It's a complete waste of time making this small changes - they will just lead to one step forward, one step back. Though I'd argue this particular change would be one step forward, three steps back, but that's besides the point. Improving a 0.5/10 project to a 0.6/10 is a complete waste of time.

It's time to throw out the current paradigm for good and start from scratch. Something that's relevant to the crypto space today, and something that'll be sustainable. I have offered enough feedback since 2017, mostly to fall on deaf ears, and I couldn't be arsed to go over it all again. I hate to say it, but at least Ned had a vision and realized in 2018 that this concept had failed, and at least attempted to research and develop a new one (SMT+oracles).

Am I ragequitting Hive yet? No, not quite. But if they cut curation rewards by 75% - hell yeah, I'm done with this absolute catastrophe of a project for good.

If on the other hand, the witnesses acknowledge that their project has failed absolutely, and embark on a complete overhaul with a brand new concept - I'll stick around till there's more clarity.

End rant.


Giving away free tokens from massive inflation has failed. This whole concept has - unequivocally, absolutely and miserably - failed.

When will the developers learn?

Actually that is exactly what is being discussed. Lower inflation, (eventually) move the social rewards to layer 2 rather than causing the massive inflation of HIVE. That feels very much like an active discussion that the core concept needs to be overhauled.

Sometimes it is important to step back and maintain perspective rather than stay in one’s own tunnel vision and not see the threes through the forest anymore.

Now that it's Hive, they want to cut curation rewards by 75%... if that is implemented I'll quit the platform, for good this time.

Giving away free tokens from massive inflation has failed

What is it? Pick an emotion and stick to it?
So you want a complete overhaul but that can not touch the social rewards side? And those rewards can not be free nor come from inflation? Care to explain how that would work???

Don’t rant, give constructive feedback. It may get heard, there’s even a community for that(created by Blocktrades). Alternatively, if it’s an “absolute catastrophe”... why extend your pain and suffering?

Ned is gone, sorry. He never realized his “vision”, oracles were even never spec’ed. Just vaporware. Best he can be remembered for is writing white papers. The “guy with the ideas”. And, not to be forgotten, “I successfully hardforked 4 times in 5 days”. If you want SMTs, it will happen on Hive, not in Ned’s backyard.

Like I have mentioned, I have given thousands of pages of constructive feedback over the last 4 years. But you're right, I should probably just quit. Wish you all the best.

Personally, I think it's the wrong time to quit. The discussion in moving in a healthy direction. It will bring SMTs, an internal market, and allow to lower inflation all while opening new token utility opportunities.

Will it be speedy? No, sadly enough not. But after all the patience we've brought up already, sure we can stomach some more months. This is a new dynamic after all and still needs to find its feet - and probably long-term vision.

Doesn't seem everyone (of leading stakeholders and devs) is fully convinced already but the tone is moving forward in a way I've never experienced before yet in this community. The experiment is almost over or should I say almost moved to the dapps level who will then be responsible for generating token value, moderating, and countering maximization within their own niche/platform.

I don't think being here has ever been as healthy (maybe in first half year after launch) as is now. And I don't say that lightly after past 2-3 years.

Thank you for your optimism, but I simply do not share it. I'll hope for the best, and maybe in 2-3 years Hive will bring something valuable to the crypto space. Until then, peace out.

(I'll continue to curate, for now, but the way it's going, I expect to wind that down in the coming months)

Given that most small value accounts can only really earn anything of value by curating, I find it disappointing that yet again the developers seem to want to penalise those lower down the food chain. When (H4?) was implemented on Steem I stopped using the platform because honest bloggers like myself who do not use bots or pay for upvotes spent hours creating reams of text in the vain hope of being recognised as this mythical "Good Content" saw the rewards for that hard work realised in paltry cents rather than the insane dollars some utter crap post receives.

To be honest, when everyone screamed that we should all leave Steem and come to the all-new Hive that supposedly had a new mindset and new community spirit I did wonder how that was going to happen when ostensibly the very same people who were developing and maintaining Steem had simply changed their flag of allegiance.
Rather than changing the people, which is what most failing enterprises do, those holding the reins seem intent on changing process yet again and not how the ship is steered.

Maybe we need a change in management?

"If you don't have enough power or Crypto to upvote me; reshare me instead. Reshares are worth their weight in gold!"

Don't forget, you can upvote peoples comments too!

Unfortunately, this chain is as good as its stakeholders, and evidently most of the whales here have always been kinda apathetic. In a public corporation failing this hard, they would have changed the management (top witnesses) a long time ago. Here, though, it's been the same people at the top for the last 4 years with almost no progress. Whales clearly don't care, otherwise they would have voted in better witnesses. Or maybe, there aren't even better witnesses... Either way, the entire thing has been quite the failure, starting with governance.

Well, I have to agree with you on the "Change of Management" front however many of my peers who (Hopefully) know far more about Hive and the Blockchain than I do seem to think I'm wrong in my assessment. 🤷‍♂️

"If you don't have enough power or Crypto to upvote me; reshare me instead. Reshares are worth their weight in gold!"

Don't forget, you can upvote peoples comments too!

Theyre too inert to do anything close to a complete overhaul.
Theres also no one in charge and responsibility to do something is so dissipated between the core individuals that none of them feel its on them to do something.

I'm afraid it very much seems so. Blocktrades is the only one who seems to have leadership skills, but judging by the proposal has very limited understanding of the Hive community.