HIVE needs a leader //

in #hive4 years ago (edited)


Alright, before all of you start yelling at me and cursing me out let me explain what i mean.
Ive thought about this for quite a while and it became pretty clear fairly quickly.
At this point in time, after we got all the attention we did and after the drama ended with Justin, wer in this position of "well, what do we do now?".
What is the way forward?
The incoming HF is pretty neutral and boring, the whitepaper what you would expect.

For all the nonsense of Steemit and Neds autism, there was always a vision. A goal to achieve. It never got achieved ofc, but it was there.
Someone had a vision and that vision was accepted by the community.
It was all BS, it never had a future, but lets not pretend for a second that even the biggest of stakeholders didnt "buy into" that vision. You bought Steem, held it, and even when you could have locked the Stinc stake before all the drama happened, YOU DIDNT!

Look, i can understand the current idea wer propagating about HIVE. Decentralization, censorship resistance, we all pull the weight, "We have no CEO".. bla bli bla.
STFU for a second, will ya?!


Thats not how the world works and thats even less the case when it comes to how crypto works. We dont get to run around like headless chickens with all of us having their own ideas of what Hive is without any vision or goal in mind.

Oh, you dont have a CEO, ima buy some Hive right now!


There is no Satoshi and even the maximalist idiots managed to pull the "store of value" narrative out their ass and save Bitcoin. But Hive isnt Bitcoin. It doesnt have a 170 billion MC, it doesnt have everyone flocking to it, the guys we have now, are the guys we have. Thats it.


We can keep the facade we have now and still play by the rules of the crypto market. The crypto market is shallow, stupid, driven by emotion, by hype, by quick profits. Its immature and toxic.
You need to learn how to outplay the players.


Drop everything you think you know about crypto ideals.

For most the crypto ideal is the US dollar.

There is no angel investor coming in to save an idea thats been here for 4 years and is on a steep decline.
Ive read the Hive proposed whitepaper and while i did openly say i didnt oppose it, it was fine, it doesnt really change much of anything in relation to where we were before STEEM.
Dumping the Stinc stake aside, Justin with reducing the powerdown time on Steem to 4 weeks did more for Steem then the Hive community managed in the same time.

And, ugh i have to mention the @cryptofinally drama again, going after her, @coruscate and most recently @brianoflondon.
Things like this that go against the core interests of HIVE happen precisely because of one thing.


No one stepping up to set an example!
Look, people are generally stupid and follow perceived power.. I know thats not a popular thing to say, but its true. History has shown us that many times.

Thats why you need someone with great influence to set the norm of behavior. Thats the case here as much as it is IRL.


And let me explain what i mean by "leadership".

Not what Justin wanted to be. Not what Ned was.

Im talking about those that invested greatly in this platform, those that hold most of the influence, those whose stake naturally leads others towards them, those that by simply "speaking" can move a decision in one direction rather then the other if they wanted to, that can affect popular opinion.
These people need to step up. Not to take over anything. Not to impose their will on the platform but to establish a vision, a norm of behavior and stand by it firmly.

Those that can do it need to do it and not allow swine to cultivate their own degenerate culture that repels most off of the back of HIVE., with inaction, as weve seen most recently.

Hive doesnt need a dictator, it doesnt need someone to bring the hammer down. Hive needs a thought leader or more then one, someone to form a core group of individuals that can reform the idea of what HIVE is, that can share it with the community at large, that can put into practical terms an idea that they might have.

Not exclusively those that deal with zeros and ones, NO.... but rather people with solutions and unique ideas. Those that arent afraid to make necessary changes, those that dont fear moving away from the status quo that leads us to a ever dwindling market cap..

Wer a small platform and this ship needs a captain. And its probably you @blocktrades.
Any way you flip it... you need to step up. Bitshares is history but HIVE might have a shot.

"No leader!" (in any sense) is in direct opposition to stake based decision making. Leader doesnt mean dictator.
Dont make me quote uncle Ben. ;)




Very great poubt... if hive is to be adopted people need to know there is a leader not necessarily an owner but someone who can actually influence judgement that will benefit the blockchain.. i personally thoyght of @theycallmedan and @blocktrades can also 've part of this leadership
This leadership will definitely pull investors towards the hive blockchain compared to the way we are right now

Yes. Its the two of them. Maybe Aggroed could fall into that category as well.
But you really need Blocktrades with his experience with blockchain development to lead the way.

Alright, fine. I accept the role. I'll be your leader.

I’ll be one of the Hive leader in the making.

My main focus is keep developing decentralised Hive community while growing our Hive Social Network via Twitter.

Leaders don't create followers...they create more leaders

The way you put it so nicely makes me almost buy it. :)

Thank you my man :)

Hive also needs more readers.

You win this one. haha

I think @theycallmedan is already setting up an example. He is true leader of free-speech decentralization web 3.0. @blocktrades is also one of our leader.

We are all leaders. I think the infighting is a by-product of decentralization. Hive only upgrades the code if the community mostly agrees.

We can say Hive benefits from leadership just like Bitcoin does, however, no one could point at bitcoin and have a universally agreed leader. Is it the Winklevoss twins? Adam back? Nick Szabo? Jack Dorsey? Anyone could make an argument for all mentioned and many more, but no clear winner. That is Hive, and as we grow, contributions are engraved into history. Remember, at one time Roger Ver was regarding as a leader in Bitcoin, now he is seen as an enemy by some.

All I can say is rally around those you look at as leaders and be the things you want to see in potential leaders.

To quote myself:

"No leader!" (in any sense) is in direct opposition to stake based decision making.

This is Hive. We have a 65mil mc. Bitcoin has a 170 billion USD marketcap.
Once wer at that level we can talk about multiple leaders.
All these guys you mentioned mold the perception of what Bitcoin is yet "our guys" are either shy or push the "no CEO" narrative.

Thats wrong and major stakeholders need to step up.

Some would argue Roger Ver with Bitcoin Cash, harmed Bitcoin. And the mentioned above were around when Bitcoin wasn't big.

I hear what you're saying but trying to force other stakeholders to act a certain way just doesn't work on a decentralized system. Every network has bad apples, it's just on Hive, being as social as it is, stakeholders play an even bigger role in helping this place.

Hive will either succeed because it fills a need greater than the cons of using it. Bitcoin is the money of enemies, meaning everyone covets bitcoin regardless of personal feelings of it. Hive will need to be the same, nothing will live on speculation alone, which I believe Hive lacks and is underappreciated.

Id hardly say that writing a post is "forcing" someone to do something. In no way am i applying force anywhere here.

Im sharing my idea of where we should start reorganizing ourselves and why, for a more efficiently functioning platform as well as a more presentable one outward.

The harassment part is a symptom of not enough stakeholders nurturing a culture to oppose a acceptance of such harassment under the pretext of "you dont understand HIVE, youre useless".

Thanks for wonderful sharing of your insights, Dan. I always seeing you as our great influencer that can wake up our inner most being when the times needed. You lift up our spirits by standing the truth and what is right, your presence makes us realize that. I admire your work, I really do. Take care always. 🚀❤😊

And, ugh i have to mention the @cryptofinally drama again, going after her, @coruscate and most recently @brianoflondon.
Things like this that go against the core interests of HIVE happen precisely because of one thing.

That depends on your point of view. I agree with Bernie that @cryptofinally brings nothing to the platform and it's good that she's gone. And I am not the only one who thinks so, there are many other users (including few major whales (1M+ HP)).

And spreading misinformation (e.g. That Hive was once called Steem) is also not beneficial for the system.

Wer a small platform and this ship needs a captain.

We have witnessed who can change Hive code, and they are elected.

Let's say blocktrades become "leader", what would his job be? To tell us not to downvote "influencers".

and it's good that she's gone.

So we deem people useless and run them off the platform? Thats the path we taking? We gang up on them? They do nothing wrong, except be who they are and that justifies us being disgusting assholes towards them?
Thats insanely retarded.

And spreading misinformation (e.g. That Hive was once called Steem) is also not beneficial for the system.

Not only is that not missinformation since in a sense its true, at least metaphorically if nothign else, Brian most likely used that as a statement to say "well Steem is no more, Hive is what Steem was. Dont look at Steem. Hive is where your attention should be."

And to give Brian hate over that? In a post where he openly promotes HIVE in a

MAJOR mainstream publication.

A guy that did more to promote Hive and spread the word in the space during the drama with Justin then 99% of people on HIVE. And now people are insulting him and again attempting to gang up on him?
What the fuck is wrong with people?!

Let's say blocktrades become "leader", what would his job be?

Read the rest of the comments. Its answered there with clear examples.

Cancel culture on Hive. Just what I came here to avoid. That'll work.

Agree, but it's also an irony that a decentralized blockchain needs a "leader", does Bitcoin really have one? I think Hive has a great and strong team of leaders though. Maybe Dan should step up.

A leader entails many things. "Leader" doesnt have to necessarily have negative connotations. Wer a 100 in MC crypto. Either have a unified vision or die out.
The stake based system by its nature pushes the major stakeholders to being opinion makers. Lets take the next step here. Lets call them vision makers.

I heard this guy Ned Scott does great CEO work.

Someone should get him asap.

You're right, we have nowhere to go right now.

Posted using Dapplr

We have somewhere to go, we just have to start moving.

I am sorry. We already have those leaders. We call them elected consensus witnesses/block producers. We also have @enrique89, @theycallmedan, @nathanmars, @traciyork, @uyobong, @aggroed, and others leading the way with a great many initiatives in the areas of retention, marketing, etc. Please do not belittle their contributions. There are plenty of people stepping up!

Not being nasty, I respect your opinion though I disagree with it. Decentralization, that is the battle-cry of most folks that are on the cryptocurrency and blockchain train right now. That is what differentiates it from everything else. We must focus on those currently in the crypto sphere now and work with them to realize more mainstream adoption.

We don't need a face, we already have the face. It is the face of the community!

I would personally like to see @lordbutterfly to become one of the Hive leader and he is very unique and talented guy.

Hive needs to be rebranded. Right now its Steem 2.0 with very little change happening even with the HF and the whitepaper.
You can drop a 100 more names that are "doing something". That in no way addresses what im talking about.
There is only "1 guy" that can do what im calling for, the one guy without whom Hive would have had a much tougher birth.
That one stakeholder needs to set the framework for moving forward.

A new idea for Hive needs to be established (he did mention it in a post) and that idea broadcasted on twitter, on Hive a million and one time. The way you establish a new course for a platform is by repeating it over and over again until it sticks.
The second layer vision needs to be condensed in a easily absorbed message and spread like the plaque.
The community cannot do that.

For a collective group to have a unified vision, that vision needs to come from a singular source with as much of a significant influence as is the significance of the change.


Theres only one stakeholder that can do it. @blocktrades.

I'm a Dominatrix,just sayin'

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Truly, leader doesn't mean a dictator and hive needs more readers thar would curate good content out there to encourage does doing so.