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RE: Redesigning the Hive frontend wallets // From confusing noise😤 to clarity 😎

in #hivelast month

Oh yeah. Lens, Orb, Farcaster, Soundxyz... all of those things is why I am even talking about simplifying things.
All the musicians coming from outside to Vibes use those platforms and there is not a SINGLE person that prefers Hive frontend user experience to that of those other platforms.



Totally understandable, yes. At this point we have the clear need, the motivation, the examples and the funding to drastically improve the situation for Hive.. yet little is done and attempts to generate change meet predictable resistance. Crabs in a bucket syndrome.

Im designing a potential Vibes frontend. Maybe I go ahead with it, maybe I dont but I at least want to put out my vision of what our frontend mobile dapps should look like.
This ofc taking into account when i used to promote a linktree with Hive related links, out of 6-7 options on a 5-10k sample 50% of all clicks went to the mobile app option.

Great ok, I am planning to produce a design for the SPK/ecency breakaway community system - but am having difficulty getting support from vested interests. I would ordinarily build my own, but having put 7 years into this kind of work previously, I prefer it to be a team effort at this point.

Yes, mobile is definitely the main method accessing the web for many people now.