Redesigning the Hive frontend wallets // From confusing noise😤 to clarity 😎

in #hivelast month (edited)

Based on the feedback I received from basically every new Vibes musician I talked to that has joined us on Hive, I went ahead and tried to fix one small part of our archaic and outdated way of presenting our tokens. A number of our frontend wallets.
To note is that I am not looking for comments like:

"Just use Keychain".

Keychain does not create accounts.
Keychain is not new user friendly in any shape or form. Keychain is great once you understand how to manage your keys and I use it for everything but that is so far down the line for new users that it doesnt even come into the experience of anyone you are trying to onboard easily and quickly. Anything that requires you to spend 20 minutes explaining is not new user friendly.
Because of that, Peakd, ofc falls into the "not new user friendly" category but since they do not differ significantly from the other 2 options I went with when it comes to the redesign, they were added.

The goal:


  • Reduce clutter and noise

which includes pointless text that has no place inside a basic frontend wallet. More text is NOT better. More reading is NOT better. Basic understanding should come at a glance and not after reading a page of text. Your understanding of Hive is where? ITS IN YOUR HEAD! It will not come from blasting your brain with text when you want to move some tokens. When was the last time you even read what was written inside a frontend wallet? I dont even see it anymore, my brain ignores it! So does yours. We just go where we need to go. But you know who it messes with? NEW USERS!

  • Killing "Hive Power".

Hive power inside a wallet does absolutely nothing to clarify what it is. All it does is raise more questions like:

"What the hell is Hive power?"

The easy answer and the only thing you can tell people that just start up is: "Its just staked Hive."
Well... if its just staked Hive then it should be presented as staked Hive!
Explaining the intricacies of Hive Power is the most foolish thing you can do for new users.
No one will remember that. NO ONE.
What that staked Hive does can be placed inside a nice expandable "?" once theyre used to basics of sending and receiving tokens.
Hive power is the most pointless term that exists on Hive. It needs to be called staked Hive because that clarifies what it is and falls inside the standardized terms of the wider crypto market.
ITS UNDERSTOOD. The term "Hive Power" first requires explanation that it is "Staked Hive" and then explaining what "Staked Hive" does. So it adds an additional step and objectively makes it more confusing even beyond the added confusion of making Hive appear as having 3 tokens.

  • Renaming HBD to HUSD.

The controversial bit. 18/20 top marketcap stablecoins have a name that includes USD or EUR. That is for a reason. The ticker makes it absolutely clear what it is. Do you know what my Tweet about Vibes winners looks like when I announce how much money people won each week?
Do you think I say the first place won 500 HBD?
No ofc, not. Because thats completely meaningless to anyone browsing the internet. If I called it HBD id probably onboard close to ZERO new people via Vibes instead of the hundreds that we are lucky went through the pains of the Hive frontend clutter when other options out there are so much more user friendly.
I say they won $500 because its easy to convey value that way. Renaming HBD into something with a stablecoin name would make it far easier to convey the meaning of HBD.
HUSD is a stablecoin that exists but has been dead for 2 years so the name seemed well suited.
But even that aside. Lets say its too much to change.
In the visuals I provided you can just call it HBD and put in (...) that its a (STABLECOIN).

  • Savings are dumb.

I personally see ZERO value to Hive savings especially with the security Hive offers at its base level but I still placed it under Hive as an option. Under HUSD/HBD i renamed it to "Staked". Why?
Well because 100% of people, even on Hive that I have talked to says... you guessed it:

I staked my HBD for 20% APR

And that is what it effectively is. That is how people see it. That is how it should be presented. Removing SAVINGS as a whole separate part of the wallet was the easiest choice of all. The way its presented in the wallets is on equal terms as the actual tokens which is incredibly foolish and user unfriendly.
It should be placed under the 2 respective token options and renamed for HUSD/HBD as "STAKING".

  • Conclusion

Now.. OFC, people on Hive that had months and years to get used to this confusing and absurd way of presenting our tokens might be against change.

I kind of like calling it Hive power.😒

To that I would say that I also know people that still wear their 10 year old shoes to the football pitch in my neighborhood, with holes in them so big that their big toes leave scratch marks on my ankles.
Change is good. Good change is even better.

To that point. Stop thinking from your own point of view thats based on looking at this for years and start thinking from the point of view of those people that come here and who we want to stay.

This affects you in no way whatsoever. But it does simplify Hive tremendously for 100% of new users.
We want new users to stay, dont we?


  • HBD to HUSD based on community choice.
  • CC should say Credit Card.
  • Overall design of wallets and wording of minimal text at discretion of frontends.
  • Cutting clutter and pointless text, killing Hive Power, removing Savings from equal presentation of tokens, calling HBD/HUSD savings - staking, ABSOLUTELY needed.

@jarvie, @goodkarma, @asgarth, @quochuy you are absolutely welcome. You dont have to pay me for this. You can just give me a hug at Hivefest this year.


peakd (1).png


  1. Even though i was the one to write the text in the wallet so that people knew what it does I am completely on board the fact that people tune it out UNTIL they actually want to know what it does. So i would be all in for not showing it until they click something to bring up the popup so yes it does clutter the screen unnecessarily.

  2. As @asgarth we were both heavy proponents of a switch away from Hive Power... however our main users are not new users they are long time hive users and we believed they would not like it. Now we have polls and can see... we are glad you are on board with us on moving away from Hive Power. Sadly in most of the internal code all through Hive it is known still as HP but that is not really an unsurmountable issue like HBD because it's not an external token in any way.
    2b. However i think you alluded to this that Staked Hive isn't a ton more intuitive than Hive Power ... specially to a non crypto person. Crypto people will intuitively understand it way better but staking is really just a work used by crypto people and no others in this modern world. So it's not like it's a ton better.... but enough better and plenty of resources that will educate the user about what staking is that I think it's worth the switch. Besides having a popup IF they want to educate themselves is mighty nice in these cases.

  3. I do not think that HBD can be renamed and i think it would cause more problems than it solves. If you can get everywhere else to change HBD we are all in. But we will not simply do it ourselves while every where else remains Hive Backed Dollars. I think HUSD standardizes it to many other crypto tokens and makes a connection more quickly to USD in general ... i do wonder though if it's already taken as many USD tokens have already been taken. I do have an affinity for HBD once you know what it stands for.... because it's litterally backed by the health and strength of HIVE and the great security mechanisms in the blockchains but it's not like any newcomer would know...
    But with that said if you can get a few of the exchanges and a few of the bigger UIs to switch... we're on board.

  4. As for Staked HBD again while you have similar issues with the unfamiliarity with the word staking outside of crypto it would be nice to have consistency with Staked Hive. Savings is a concept widely recognized in countries with a solid banking system. While much of the world is unbanked and many of our users may be in that stage not a lot of them are ones with a lot of the capital. Saving as a verb doesn't mean get money through inflation but it has come to mean in those countries a place where you put money in order to see it increase through an APR (which is often advertised) however in most of those countries is very very small less than 1% ... So I think we're still ok with associating Staking to it and making even renaming it to Staked HBD but you'll win a little and loose a little and i'm not convinced it's a slam dunk.

  5. Overall on the layout. I like it. I really do
    We would not put the charts on the left because that's just not the style of our site with anything else so it wouldn't make sense. And i wouldn't have the charts that large because that puts too much focus on the price of tokens which plays into the obsession over price aspect. Where as the wallet should be a place to see what's in your account and if they're overly obsessed with trends there are literally hundreds of sites for those with that obsession. What we can provide is a great way to consume data about what they have in their wallet which is something only a few sites can do. AND provide them ways to interact with their tokens ... you left out most of those but we have to keep them there ... we can of course focus primarily on Transfer as that's newbie intuitive.

  • 5b. I'm fine with the tabs across the top as opposed to the side ... totally fine with that.
  • 5c. Having a transaction ledger is very common in bank accounts and wallets so we'll stick with having that specially since that's what most hive users go to their wallet to see.And it's very intuitive so that's fine.
  • 5d. You say write "credit card" but your examples say CC ... so i'm a bit confused so just clarify.

.6. Anyway what software did you use to make the mockups? They look nice and i'm impressed by your work. Do you want to continue doing some more? How long did it take you?

.7. I'll see if and when we can implement some of this on always happy to get feedback from the community specially when it comes with thoughtful reasoning and even better actual screenshots.

  1. Expandable "?" and less text inside it should do it. Important not to blast the senses of anyone seeing the wallet for the first few times.
    Confusion breeds an expectation of future confusion.

  2. People will always go with what theyre used to and not take a second to even consider anyone beyond themselves that might be new. Its a 100% certainty a large chunk of people will say they would like to keep Hive Power. And they would be absolutely wrong.
    2b. Staked Hive placed under the respective Hive token is far more intuitive than Hive Power. Its a massive difference.
    -Firstly because now you have 2 tokens (there actually are only 2 tokens) instead 3 tokens.
    -Secondly because "staking" is a standardized term in the crypto ecosystem. Hive Power is an absolutely meaningless term. The answer to the question: "What is Hive Power?" is "Its staked Hive". So why in the world do we force the question? We just need to give the answer to the question right away put it in its rightful place under the token it is. "HIVE".
    -Thirdly, Hive Power and Voting Power are both existing terms on Hive that are integral to using Hive. When new users are hit with all this terminology it might as well be complete noise.

  3. HBD to HUSD was to showcase maximum clarity in presenting Hive tokens. HUSD does that. People here cling to things they are used to even if the alternative is better in every way so I dont expect this to happen but if it did it would lessen the confusion on what HBD is and have a higher social media potential..

  4. I have never seen a serious Hiver promote HBD and say "I put my HBD in savings!". I do see them say they staked their HBD for 20% APR. Those that might invest will understand staking. They will not understand savings.

  5. Its really not about the design, frontends can do with it what they want. Its just about reducing unnecessary information so the attention is on what matters. Hive and HBD. Those two things are what matters. Everything else is secondary and should be presented as such.
    5c. sure
    5d. I forgot to write Credit Card on the image.

  6. It took me 15 minutes to do the mock up for the page in paint and 10 dollars on Fiverr for the design guy to make it pretty in figma.

What about HBUSD if HUSB isn’t unique enough?

Sure. its the USD/EUR presence in name that matters.

This would be better though the 5 letter does cause complications over the 3 letter. I would vote for that over HBD. I think someone would need to do an extensive research of the impacts of changing token name/ticker-symbol and see what all would need to be done. Then the community could decide if it's worth the squeeze.

Finally! Many changes like this need to be implemented across all dapps.

Making one dapp that fits all the needs of the average user on the internet with a good UX/UI design, great SEO, easy to understand, and mentioning Hive only when required can become the solution for the above to happen. Content creators and gamers don't need to know the technology an app is using, they just use it.

I personally struggle with HUSD, but I get the point to switch from HBD to something that brings USD to people's minds. Maybe the RC and VP can be something that can become more user-friendly too. Both can somehow become a gamified experience on any dapp.

HUSD is just a further proposal to simplify things. You can keep it HBd and put stablecoin in ().

RCs are in the background where they should stay.

VP is funny though. So you have Voting power and Hive power now. If all this isnt confusing enough you have two terms sharing a word giving the appearance of meaning the same while mean completely different things.

"Hive Power" needs to die and never be mentioned again.

This is so beautiful I must say. It makes things easy for new members. I love the fact that we want new members to stay, but to achieve this there other things that should be looked into especially the downvoting system.

I remember that Hive was so confusing to understand at first that I only started using it to improve my earnings in Splinterlands after reading a post about earning votes. Since then I've been participating in some parts of the Hive ecosystem, as well as trying to publish something every week. I believe that what is missing is simplicity and being straight to the point, people who have little interest in understanding how Hive Power can increase their power of governance, witnesses, proposals and anything related to Hive, but for first contact they just need to understand that: You can earn something here, either by commenting, interacting or sharing your best posts.

What am I saying?

That it's necessary to have a front-end with just what would be interesting for those who want to know the first step towards earning something on Hive. When you play a game, you don't want to know how it was programmed, how it's performing that function, you just want to do it.

You need something simple, just posts and something about your winnings, like the Payout page on PeakD, and then if the person is interested in how to Convert this reward to their pocket You can integrate a small guide on a separate page, like the end of the Wallet.

I run Vibes. The music community on Hive. I am considering doing a frontend of my own if we continue growing at this pace. I have some mock ups already.
Beyond the wallet redesign to simplify things as I did here what id do is strip 90% of current functionality from our general blogging platforms.

The philosophy of restricting content forms instead of offering absolute freedom is the philosophy I agree with.
Users dont generally need access to everything otherwise you split their attention and introduce confusion.

If content attention is the key for users they will go where attention is at its highest level, ignoring the rest. If earning money is the key they will go where they can earn the most.
Users will generally min-max when everything is equal. If the UX on the other hand is weak with 1 option, even if the earning or attention potential is the highest with that option, the option with better UX will steal a large part of its user base.

I am considering doing a frontend of my own if we continue growing at this pace.

Definitely do this. It will be a real practical case study to prove what work and further refine things. It is easy to ignore ideas. It is hard to ignore real results.

You should take a look at Koinos. They explained their version of RC as Mana. Suddenly you don't have to explain much to anyone who has been a gamer. They already have a video game analogy in their heads.

After reading the post, I quickly went to check my wallet, but using the peakd frontend on mobile to see the HUSD. I guess the change is only visible on

I think your redesign ideas for the Hive frontend wallets are a breath of fresh air. Simplifying the clutter and noise, renaming 'Hive Power' to 'Staked Hive', and changing 'HBD' to 'HUSD' (or at least adding a stablecoin indicator) makes perfect sense.

I completely agree that change is good, especially when it improves the user experience. (Virtual hug sent your way)"

Its not changed anywhere. This is my redesign idea.

Oh! I get it now lol
I had thought that it was changed already hahahaha
I think the redesign idea makes sense.

Good idea, support the renaming, HUSD and Staked HIVE instead of HBD and Hive Power, would reduce confusion especially for new users.

Id say there would be no confusion after this. After I had this made, I now cant unsee it. It further makes the current wallets even uglier in my eyes.

You've made some great points! Particularly with our own terminology for staking, when everyone else calls it staking. And even in our posts, we often use the terms interchangeably, which probably confuses newcomers even more.

Changing the HBD name may pose lots of issues. It is not only a display thing, it is already integrated outside the ecosystem as HBD.

Even beyond that you also have now Voting Power and Hive Power. Imagine someone hearing all that for the first time or 15th time. Its all so needlessly confusing.
Hive Power needs to die and never be mentioned again by anyone. Its a meaningless, worthless term that confuses the understanding of a system that shouldnt be that difficult to understand.

Changing the HBD name may pose lots of issues.

Ofc, its not just changing the display. A lot of things to take into account. Does changing the name provide enough benefit to do the work? On the community to decide.
The point of this was to simplify to the max the ugly and convoluted wallet presentations of our tokens.

Even beyond that you also have now Voting Power and Hive Power.

Not to mention we also sometimes use interchangeably Voting Power and Voting Mana, when they mean practically the same thing for someone who doesn't care about the details. Voting Power probably refers more precisely to the dollar/HIVE value of the vote, while Voting Mana refers to the amount we still have from the Max Voting Mana (another term). But they are directly linked.

Staking HBD is far better than just having Hive at hand. I don’t have any for now though but I wish yo start saving up HBD for my 20% APR

Great that you think out of the box and that you keep the new user in focus. I remember reading a chat from you about the whole hbd/husd thing and yeahhh now that I see it - it makes way more sense ^^ I like the changes and I can not wait to see maybe more redesign of condenser!

HBD/HUSD is just a option to consider. Its more about removing pointless information that has no place on the basic frontend wallets seen at first time experiencing Hive.
Its a huge issue and a massive obstacle for anyone trying out Hive for the first time.

We first lose new users on account creation and the rest we lose due to confusion.

Yeah I had it written just like you but removed my comment about the signup funnels. I did not want to bring this very negative part into such a progressive and positive post haha

Bro u make understand few stuff i was confused.

The HP is what it is, this is really helpfull for new users lot of my friends Don't understand part of this and i can't explain to them.

Thanks for all this info G. ✊🏻⚡

So the stable coin on bitcoin cash is no more?

CMC HUSD at 4 cents seems pretty dead to me.

And I think you proved yourself wrong here. Here we have the symbol being used in many places. It is definitely not good stable coin. Or perhaps better stated is no longer a stable coin but it is in the knowledge of many people that HUSD represents this thing which is a coin that failed to keep its peg. It is not a good idea to rebrand The Hive dollar with a ticker of something that is a failed stable coin. Maybe use HvUSD or HBUSD.

It can be renamed to anything that contains the word USD or EUR. That was the point.

Coins die all the time. Youre not rebranding it to a failed stablecoin, youre taking the name HUSD - Hive USD.
We took the name Hive. "Hive blockchain" name already existed and is an established company with a significant marketcap.
"Hive" already exists on twitter as a company and responds to every single tweet we make pinging them. A dead and burried stablecoin is far less of a issue than any of that.

It is delisted from the CExes and I dont have conviction about you being wrong about the need to have USD in the ticker, I just disagree that it ought to be HUSD. Do you notice people miss immediate chat in Hive, as I do?

It's just like whenever there are changes, it's great, people are interested again.

very good

Hey man ... sorry for the of topic comment, I'm not sure are you aware of, I'm running a Hive witness node, if you like what I'm doing around here please support it!

Perfecting onboarding is a complex task with many aspects, however it needs to be done urgently. I was just testing out the Lens protocol, which is yet another competitor to Hive that has a large following. Go check out their signup and intro process, it's like being treated as a superstar in comparison to Hive. I was simultaneously sad and also happy that someone has actually put effort into making a slick web 3 onboarding process. They also need to do better at explaining wtf is going on to noobs, but.. well.. take a look:

Oh yeah. Lens, Orb, Farcaster, Soundxyz... all of those things is why I am even talking about simplifying things.
All the musicians coming from outside to Vibes use those platforms and there is not a SINGLE person that prefers Hive frontend user experience to that of those other platforms.


Totally understandable, yes. At this point we have the clear need, the motivation, the examples and the funding to drastically improve the situation for Hive.. yet little is done and attempts to generate change meet predictable resistance. Crabs in a bucket syndrome.

Im designing a potential Vibes frontend. Maybe I go ahead with it, maybe I dont but I at least want to put out my vision of what our frontend mobile dapps should look like.
This ofc taking into account when i used to promote a linktree with Hive related links, out of 6-7 options on a 5-10k sample 50% of all clicks went to the mobile app option.

Great ok, I am planning to produce a design for the SPK/ecency breakaway community system - but am having difficulty getting support from vested interests. I would ordinarily build my own, but having put 7 years into this kind of work previously, I prefer it to be a team effort at this point.

Yes, mobile is definitely the main method accessing the web for many people now.

  • Please do not call it HUSD that's just asking for regulation. Plus it never holds the damn $1 value anyways

  • Also hive stake for estimated 12% APR is not true. They have to curate with it which a lot of people don't understand.

  • Instead display the APR% which is a known number roughly 2.98% and then potential more via curation. Then link that that a more detailed article about how curation works. Don't make it lengthy though people don't have time for that shit. Make it stupid simple or a short 1 minute video.

Besides that I'm all for these changes.

Edit update It should also be clear how long it's staked. Hive is a 13 week and 1/13th is unstaked if unstaking so that needs to be clear as well. It might sound confusing to people but they still should know.

Please do not call it HUSD that's just asking for regulation. Plus it never holds the damn $1 value anyways

Ill never in a billion years accept the weird position of:
"We need HBD to be known more but we also have to hide."
Its just so weird to me.

Also hive stake for estimated 12% APR is not true.

The point was to strip clutter. The sentence can be reworded. Thats easy.

Then link that that a more detailed article about how curation works.

You just need a "?" popup next to the text.

The most important thing for new users to to have a secure backup of their keys.

I'm not so against Hive Power as a term as it is what gives you power here and non-crypto people may not understand what staking is. The more problematic part is 'Hive' as it clashes with various other products, including another blockchain and a microblogging platform. I expect we are stuck with it now.

Hive Power is definitely the biggest culprit to added confusion. It needs to die and never be mentioned again.
"Hive Power" is a meaningless term that doesnt say anything.

it is what gives you power here

What does that mean? What is power here? It just raises a 100 different questions that needs answering.
"Staked Hive" answers a question instantly. You buy Hive and you stake it.

Matter of fact is that "Hive Power" says even LESS than just calling it staked Hive and it even confuses things more when you remember that "Voting Power" is a thing.😅

Opinions will vary on this of course. You need that Power to vote on posts, comments, witnesses and proposals. You also need Power to be active at all (mana). Staking is for vampires ;)

You need Hive power to vote things and you also need voting power to vote things... But in
a different way. :)

See how silly we made things.