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RE: Redesigning the Hive frontend wallets // From confusing noise😤 to clarity 😎

in #hivelast month

I run Vibes. The music community on Hive. I am considering doing a frontend of my own if we continue growing at this pace. I have some mock ups already.
Beyond the wallet redesign to simplify things as I did here what id do is strip 90% of current functionality from our general blogging platforms.

The philosophy of restricting content forms instead of offering absolute freedom is the philosophy I agree with.
Users dont generally need access to everything otherwise you split their attention and introduce confusion.

If content attention is the key for users they will go where attention is at its highest level, ignoring the rest. If earning money is the key they will go where they can earn the most.
Users will generally min-max when everything is equal. If the UX on the other hand is weak with 1 option, even if the earning or attention potential is the highest with that option, the option with better UX will steal a large part of its user base.


I am considering doing a frontend of my own if we continue growing at this pace.

Definitely do this. It will be a real practical case study to prove what work and further refine things. It is easy to ignore ideas. It is hard to ignore real results.

You should take a look at Koinos. They explained their version of RC as Mana. Suddenly you don't have to explain much to anyone who has been a gamer. They already have a video game analogy in their heads.