TGIM Blowing the Whistle on the New Wu Flu

in #hive4 years ago

I have been challenging people to prove the numbers put out by many mainstream sources almost every day of my life. Now I have some new ammunition thanks to The High Wire with Del Bigtree. is a 2 hour presentation this week. TheHighWire can be seen on Jewtube on Thursday Every week in the middle of the afternoon. I don't know the exact time because I enjoy podcasting many different shows on Castbox. Castbox has a crypto component and an embedded wallet. Even though I have had some bugs to work through I am able to download and listen offline to many different shows. Because they are in cast form I can speed up the words and skip the commercials for radio programs. I am looking for some charts and such to post to the chain as photos. I find it interesting that people who always tout they are attempting to obtain herd immunity are making policies that are contradicting herd immunity.

Here is a supporting document with multiple quotes from mainstream sources showing why we should not trust the official numbers.

CNN is going silent over the Tara Reade - Joe Biden #metoo situation. I find the timing of all of this Covid Garbage to be a covering narrative for the MSM.

Please help me get this information in front of the @healthranger or @naturalnews. I just performed a search on natural news "thehighwire" provides zero results while "del bigtree" only provides information from last year 2019. Why do you allow such overarching and unchecked pessimism run rampant on @naturalnews? In the spiritual battles of this world we need to maintain positivity to keep moving up into the higher states of being. By maintaining the positive attitude and thoughts we will most assuredly attract more than enough negativity without allowing such to foster inside of ourselves. I hope that the remainder of this network can look into natural immunity and know that recent studies are showing that vaccination against the beervirus is not even possible. If you don't want to listen to science then make sure to get the current flu shot. They will give it to you for free. Don't believe me when I tell you the stats that have been released that show it to increase your risk for new wu flu by around 37%.

I recently saw a headline about how the food chain is breaking down. In MD they were thinking about euthanizing millions of chickens. I found this mainstream article from the area saying that the killing started on April 10.

The food supply chain is very fragile. Many people have written how it would quickly breakdown. Gerson therapy teaches that our food has lost over 60% of its nutritional value in the last 50 years. It has been many years since I read any updated information about nutritional value. I watched a documentary film on Netflix called, "Beautiful Truth." This documentary was created by a high school kid. That young man had more sense to ask questions about life than many adults I know. Even though I have been telling them that Dr. Gerson defeated cancer in 1928 their eyes just glaze over and their mouths begin to move saying that my white lab coat allopath would not lie to me.

This is all that I have to say for today. I just wanted to get this out there so that people could see that there is a lot of hype surrounding the new wu flu aka beer virus. Keep trading that HIVE for steem. You will have so much power you won't know what to do with it. Then when Steem passes hive just jump back over and keep all of your power.

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