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RE: Hive: Why I am Considering Leaving After One Week

in #hive3 years ago

Honestly the way some people go about moderating their communities is just awful. Some can be so judgemental and not at all try to explain WHY.

I hope you choose to stay and work past this unpleasant interaction, I'm curtain you can have FAAAR more pleasant interactions here to counter this one bad one.

And thank you for voicing your concerns, this will let us reflect and hopefully make people improve how they deal with muting posts and moderating their communities.


Communities I run: Gridcoin (GRC)(PeakD) / Gridcoin (GRC) (| Fish Keepers (PeakD) / Fish Keepers (
Check out my gaming stream on VIMM.TV | Vote for me as a Hive witness! and Hive-engine witness!


Thank you. There have been so many supportive responses to this post such as yours that I am seriously considering giving this a better shot! I am surprised and comforted by the overwhelmingly positive responses.

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