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RE: With a grain of salt

in #hive3 years ago

I am happy Hive is difficult for many to earn as they need to learn the value of what it is to make Hive by working.

Yes - if it was easy, it wouldn't have value. Instagram is easy for users to use - incredibly hard to earn anything significant.


I find it incredible what you have accomplished on here as it is a massive achievement one can be proud of. Every Hive represents some effort and that is the way it should be.

You get an upvote.

Hey, thanks, you get one too, as humble as it is. I got reminded of that "you get a car, and you get a car, and you..." meme. All right, I chose to be a family guy and I got the need to get a car even if that means paying for it for like five years...20 months behind, 40 months to go...too much private info on the blockchain but who cares ;) If it's a good conversation starter.

Like: "At least, in a Mad Max scenario, I am the one with a functioning vehicle, i.e. mobility and those money lenders have an irrelevant sum on papers promised to them." They have chosen to take such risks, they have the interest to keep such kind of economy going, they are ready to take whatever measures they can...Like keeping the illusion of peace and stability alive.