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RE: Time to start looking at what others are doing

in #hive5 months ago

Great to see that I am not the only person talking about this. You have far more reach than I do. I used to think that marketing is all we need to succeed. Now I have come to realize that we need 3 things to succeed and thrive in the bull market.

  1. Marketing: pick a niche and strategy that work and after some testing, throw money at it.
  2. Make it easy for developers to build on HIVE. Tools, infrastructure and hackathons.
  3. Make it easy for users to buy HIVE. @terablock-hive + @brianoflondon are doing this.

@leofinance made a very important improvement by creating LeoAds where users can earn evergreen rewards from ad revenue. I made 32.741 $LEO as the first payment. Some of my personal thoughts are expressed here in detail: