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RE: Hive Secondary Airdrop: For Proxied Voters

in #hiveblockchain4 years ago

Given that:

  • funds of 8 accounts are frozen on the Steem blockchain
  • blogs of 11 accounts are actively censored
  • attempts are made by Steemit inc to further censor information they don't like
    (source: Steem Censorship Report)

And given that:

  • both groups in Proposal #101 and #102 include users voting for witnesses running Steem softfork v0.22.888, thereby supporting the above mentioned disapproved actions

I'm going to vote for Proposal #103: "Hive Secondary Airdrop: No Additional Airdrops",

This stance is valid unless Steem softfork v0.22.8888 is rolled back, in which case I might reconsider my decision.

I am open to reconsidering individual proposals if any.


duz6p5.jpgThis has become so convoluted and ridiculous! This whole mess will turn people off!! My parents made a silly mistake and clicked two buttons wrong and now they have been disqualified for over $5000!! They are 65+ years old and I’ve pushed them into crypto over the last 5 years and this situation has them questioning the ENTIRE CRYPTO MARKET! We need BOOMERS TO BELIEVE in crypto and to see it as a fair playing field! I was upset to hear that @thebigsweed and @farm-mom were disqualified for picking two wrong witnesses by mistake! What they are guilty of is trying to support hive in their witness building campaign but made a minor mistake. At this point they were so turned off, after posting every day and using the platform for the right reasons, that they were going to GIVE UP! After a long discussion about how upset they would be if the @hive price SKYROCKETED, I was able to talk them into buying hive at $0.13 and thank god I did because if not they would have left crypto forever!! This vote will either be the rebirth or the death of hive. To add insult to injury it looks like they have been named in the top 100 people being sued by the real HIVE BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY!! TWO WORDS HOLY FUCK!! So Needless to say I’ll be watching this vote very closely!

@ryan313, I would advise you to introduce an individual proposal on behalf of your parents where you thoroughly expose your arguments.
Try to be as objective and detailed as possible (facts) and don't let the emotions overwhelm you.
Be concise too, as out of context information are useless.
This is the best way to deal with individual cases.

Ok thanks!👍

Your personal experience is going to have zero effect on whether Hive is a success or not. To make this assertion that a few people not getting airdropped is going to kill the platform is laughable.

That being said I would support a proposal for your parents,
as would many others.

Keep vouching for them and don't give up if this vote fails,
because in all likelihood it's going to.

This of course is my opinion... which I am entitled to. What about pending lawsuit you involved in that .... also seems like a deal breaker?!

lol cmon man.
A pending lawsuit?
you are grasping at straws.

What country am I in?
What's my name?
How are you going to sue @edicted?
What role did @edicted play in the fork?

Nothing illegal has happened.

Not only did nothing illegal happen because there is zero regulation,
even if there was regulation nothing illegal happened.

No, You are not entitled to your opinion

Why do you think you are entitled to an opinion?
Because you've been brainwashed with that idea so the elite can manipulate the masses using republic governance structures and mass media propaganda campaigns.


I get that this is a big issue for you personally,
but that doesn't make it a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
You should know the difference.

No the pending lawsuit suit against hive from a Hive Blockchain chain company??

Not me vs. you silly! My parents are listed on a list of 100 accounts that HIVE BLOCKCHAIN are coming after because we stole their name....HIVE

lol seriously? how?
Dude those guys are morons don't worry about them.
What exactly are your parents supposed to "cease and desist"?
Where is this list?
Why would random accounts be targeted?
That is so weird.

Idk I told my folks same thing sounds crazy!! I sent you the article tell me what you think.. 🙏🏻

I agree with you. That is why I support the Airdrop to Proxy voters. Here's my explanation which your story perfectly illustrates: