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RE: Four Things You Can Do For a Successful HiveBloPoMo

in #hiveblopomo3 years ago

Good words of wisdom to see the blogging challenge, or any challenge, through to the end.

When I think about the gap between Step 1 and Step 2 it has more to do with what part of my brain I am using. For me there is the technical trouble shooting brain and then there is the creative brain. The version of myself that is piecing tech and processes together is not the same version of me who blogs or podcasts or videos, etc. Although I do it all the time, it can be a challenge to be the tech and the talent at the same time.

So, planning and the serendipitous sometimes work well together and sometimes I need to take a break between the tech brain and the creative brain. I will go for a walk or do something entirely different to reset my brain. <-Not sure if that makes sense, but it has to do with how Step 1 and Step 2 work for me.


No, that makes perfect sense to me. I'm the same way. I do a lot of my thinking for posts on the treadmill during my morning workout.

I sometimes like to walk around my neighborhood and listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Ideas will strike and I'll pause what I'm listening to and make notes on my phone. I think there is something about movement that increases creativity and problem-solving.

I just started vlogging and I've been listening and watching a lot of other vlogs with similar topics to mine. Pretty much the same, listening, taking notes, analyzing their sound and video quality. The types of shots they're taking with the cameras. This is all brand new to me, so I'm learning a lot. Movement definitely increases productivity and creativity IMHO. I tend to do my best thinking while engaged in other activities for sure.