Four Things You Can Do For a Successful HiveBloPoMo

in #hiveblopomo3 years ago (edited)

This is my third #HiveBloPoMo. My first one was completed successfully, the second one, I missed a few days. For me, preparation is the difference between success and failure. Here are four things you can do to help insure a successful HiveBloPoMo this November.

1 - Prepare!


I think this was the difference between the first time and the second time I did this challenge. The first time I really prepared and had no problems at all completing the challenge. The second time, I didn't prepare at all, and struggled through the entire month. Preparation ahead of time can really make this a much more pleasant challenge and make it that much easier to complete.

The best way I've found to prepare is to start with a list of post ideas. Just write out a simple list. Example

  • bitcoin
  • exchange security
  • how to avoid exchange hacks
  • best hardware wallets and why you should use them.

There are 30 days in November, find 30 ideas to write about and jot them down in a list. Once you have your 30 ideas, this is one less thing to concern yourself with. Think of it as a framework to complete the task.

2 - Start Writing.


Once we have our list, get out in front of this thing. START WRITING. This takes a lot of the pressure off. 30 posts in 30 days might sound easy if you haven't done this before but life always has a way of getting in the way! Holidays, surprise visits from family and friends, emergencies, so many different things can change our plans. Having a few pre-written posts in the pipe and ready to go can really save our bacon when something comes up. It's a lot easier to copy and paste the pre-written post into an editor rather than winging it and whipping something together all willy nilly. We all know that rarely works out!

3 - Find Some Weekly Challenges or Schedule A Weekly Topic

Think about it this way. If you can find a couple weekly challenges to write about each week you can deduct those from your topics list. For instance, if you write a weekly #MusicMonday post, we have four more Monday's this month. Deduct the four MusicMonday posts from your list and now you're down to 25 more posts.

Some weeklies I enjoy are #BeerSaturday, #MusicMonday, #FollowFriday.

You could also do a weekly cooking post or post about some other hobby you're interested in.

4 - The Story Technique

A couple weeks ago @epodcaster suggested during #HiveChat to approach the #NaPodPoMo (which is the podcasting version of this blogging challenge) like a story. So your first post would be an introduction to the topic you're writing about. The next several posts would dive further into the subject matter. Your last posts would be bringing it to a close.

Much like a storybook. Intro, everything on the topic (your daily posts), the ending.

Final Thoughts

I've learned a lot of tips and tricks over the years. Those were a few that seemed to work good for me. Everyone has their own way of doing things. I'm sure you'll find a few tips and tricks that work for you. I think the key of a 30 day blogging challenge is to make the commitment to yourself, then prepare in advance to make sure you overcome any obstacle that might pop up and put a damper on your posting schedule. As with all things, if you prepare in advance, not much can get in your way and if something does happen, you're already prepared to overcome it.

Image credits: Giphy

This is post 2 of 30 for this months #HiveBloPoMo challenge!


Excellent tips @the-bitcoin-dood and the times that I've completed the 30 day challenge are the times I've done almost exactly those things. However, the story approach from @epodcaster is a new concept that I think is wicked amazeballs. You'd think, for how many times I've done NaNoWriMo & NaBloPoMo, that it would've occurred to me before, but you'd be mistaken. 😂

May the blogging deities be kind to all of us this month, and may the well of inspiration continue to flow!

However, the story approach from @epodcaster is a new concept that I think is wicked amazeballs.

I thought that was a brilliant concept also. It really puts it in perspective.

I wanted to add this to the post... @traciyork put together a "writing prompt" calendar that helps you with some blogging ideas. You can find it in this post.

I may have to do a few of these on the days I get stumped or have subject block. Like writers block but not able to pick a subject 🤣 Happens to me more often than I'd like to admit!

Good words of wisdom to see the blogging challenge, or any challenge, through to the end.

When I think about the gap between Step 1 and Step 2 it has more to do with what part of my brain I am using. For me there is the technical trouble shooting brain and then there is the creative brain. The version of myself that is piecing tech and processes together is not the same version of me who blogs or podcasts or videos, etc. Although I do it all the time, it can be a challenge to be the tech and the talent at the same time.

So, planning and the serendipitous sometimes work well together and sometimes I need to take a break between the tech brain and the creative brain. I will go for a walk or do something entirely different to reset my brain. <-Not sure if that makes sense, but it has to do with how Step 1 and Step 2 work for me.

No, that makes perfect sense to me. I'm the same way. I do a lot of my thinking for posts on the treadmill during my morning workout.

I sometimes like to walk around my neighborhood and listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Ideas will strike and I'll pause what I'm listening to and make notes on my phone. I think there is something about movement that increases creativity and problem-solving.

I just started vlogging and I've been listening and watching a lot of other vlogs with similar topics to mine. Pretty much the same, listening, taking notes, analyzing their sound and video quality. The types of shots they're taking with the cameras. This is all brand new to me, so I'm learning a lot. Movement definitely increases productivity and creativity IMHO. I tend to do my best thinking while engaged in other activities for sure.

I've got a few ideas for my month of podcasts. I have some regular posts each week/month anyway, so I can work those in. I don't plan to do many more posts than normal. Good luck with your challenge!


You're pretty regular with your blogging schedule and post a lot more than I do. I'm hoping this will get me back into the habit of blogging daily again. Great job on the #HiveChat today by the way.







@steevc, you've been given LUV from @the-bitcoin-dood.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

I'm having fun with the blogging and get good responses.

HiveChat was fun. Seemed less people than usual, but maybe the time was not great for some.



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I think I will grab up the idea and opportunity of what you said. So I can achieve more things

That's the best part of this challenge. When all is said and done, you have 30 posts by the end of the month that are being indexed by search engines and should also earn a little HIVE. It's a win win!

Sure a win win