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RE: Four Things You Can Do For a Successful HiveBloPoMo

in #hiveblopomo3 years ago

Excellent tips @the-bitcoin-dood and the times that I've completed the 30 day challenge are the times I've done almost exactly those things. However, the story approach from @epodcaster is a new concept that I think is wicked amazeballs. You'd think, for how many times I've done NaNoWriMo & NaBloPoMo, that it would've occurred to me before, but you'd be mistaken. 😂

May the blogging deities be kind to all of us this month, and may the well of inspiration continue to flow!


However, the story approach from @epodcaster is a new concept that I think is wicked amazeballs.

I thought that was a brilliant concept also. It really puts it in perspective.