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in #hivecommunity2 years ago

I'm not siding with anyone. You tagged me in your ridiculous posts. Your lack of self awareness and respect for your own time says it all. You should definitely go elsewhere and stop wasting energy burning bridges-- you've done a good enough job already. I've seen countless people respond to downvotes in this outlandish conspiratorial way, and it never ever works out for them. It just makes them look sad, pathetic, and desperate. You had the opportunity to take the high road, but this isn't it. You obviously have zero political or diplomatic skills. Ask yourself: are you actually getting anyone on 'your side' with this behavior? NO OBVIOUSLY. I don't know the intricate details of your situation, but I know lots of people thrive here, and that you are the exception, not the rule. Just close up shop and move on for your own sake and mental health, and stop shitting on what personal brand you have left.

Take some friendly advice and please do a Homer.



Hahaha. Thanks Josh. Appreciate the advice. But to assume nobody agrees with me, is beyond laughable. In fact so much big money has approached me behind the scenes to side with me it's enough for me to take a bow and do a victory lap. I've been thanked and even called a hero from so many excellent people for speaking up.

It's easy to think that nobody agrees with me, when agreeing with me PUBLICLY here is suicide. Many many agree with me, frankly you have no idea. Behind the scenes a lot of people are talking, and it's all about how creepy, rotten, and corrupt these people running hive are.

All voices on hive must side with the money or risk no money! You know that right?

I'm little confused, I thought you were a smart guy.

Blurt does not have this problem, you can say what you want, and not risk having your blog destroyed and run off the platform from downvotes. In the mean time, don't get out of line here...seriously.

I'll see you on blurt when the price is 10x higher.