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RE: Daily Report - Monday, 20th July 2020

in #hivedapps4 years ago

I'm just there to help make sure people get in and chat and find the information they need- I didn't set it up, think it could likely be much better organized, and want to give you a gentle reminder that assuming that other people think poorly of you or your work based on random cues like that is really selling yourself short! The discord roles in the HiveDevs server are this weird, random subset of holdovers from a time when it was a smaller group of buddies chatting about Steem and @netuoso set it up alongside a curation trail. The only one that matters is "noob" as it gets you out of the welcome room, which is set up to protect from bot nonsense and link droppers. Mods in there are basically just sorting thru the riff raff of automation that comes with having a public discord invite. He's since grown it into a Hive-centric gathering place but also an even more robust community on chain, which we didn't have way back when and I suspect gets most of the attention and focus now.

I think it's probably a good time to simply make a "HiveDev" role to make the server more useful, so thanks for the poke, even if you were just not-so-passive-aggressively throwing some shade. I don't mind, but again- there's no judgement of you or purposefully trying to keep you down, code monkey was an arbitrary designation many moons ago for someone who likes to code, and it hasn't been revisited since. You're a cool dude and reading into your self worth from something like that ain't worth your time.

I'll bug Netty and take a look at how I can put some time aside to make the discord more usable and consistent for everyone including you, since I'm the one who tends to be available the most often. :)


Hey I edited after the fact. It was noob that had frustrated me. I'm cool w being a monkey.

good reminder, tho! it's too easy after we spend enough time in the ecosystem to think people are coming for us, but just rise above~ I still think it's a really good idea, and will take a look at what we need to do to make the discord make a bit more sense.

Yeah been in a not so great place.

Appreciate your thoughtful words, Crim. I do tend to get paranoid about people and their intentions but most of it is probably in my head.

my dude

this place is f u c k i n g i n s a n e at the best of times so it's a 'not only you' thing, I promise 😂

this year has been a whole thing, on top of everything else. shoot me a message if there's anything I can help with~