Hivefest Welcome Day, 22nd of September

in #hivefest10 months ago

Unlike my previous experiences at Hivefest, this time I aimed to increase my participation here by posting more frequently. I recognized that striving for perfection could lead to a prolonged effort, potentially preventing completion. My objective was self-improvement. However, I soon realized that achieving this goal amidst the hustle and bustle of Hivefest was an illusion.
The event always has so many activities and people to engage with, making it challenging to maintain a focused posting schedule.

Consequently, I've come to the conclusion that my aspirations during Hivefest were unrealistic. Instead, in the future, I plan to adhere to my usual festival routine, perhaps with a bit more efficiency. You won't find me posting Hivefest photos six months from now. Hopefully...

Now, let's kick things off with a picturesque view from the rooftop of the Rosarito Beach Hotel, where we would later gather for the festivities.

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Take off

After a restful night's sleep (which, I must say, was truly needed and rejuvenating!), we eagerly ventured out to explore the town, searching for the perfect brunch spot. The hotel lobby had already introduced me to several fellow Hiveans, setting a positive tone for the day.

We stumbled upon a charming taqueria just around the corner, where we indulged in our first taste of Rosarito-style cuisine. The youngest member of the family, who has wholeheartedly embraced Mexican culture during his 22 months here, opted for his beloved tacos as his meal of choice. Tacos al Pastor are his top pick, but he's open to trying others as well.

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As you can see, he was more than happy with the tacos.

After this, we went for a stroll around town for a bit, found the most amazing bakery with the best pastries you'll ever have just across from the hotel. Playa del Carmen doesn't have good baked stuff. Unless you're going to a German bakery or Italian restaurant and are willing to pay US$6 for a Danish... Which I am not, ever. Somehow, here, they think it's a great idea to put sugar on a cheese croissant. It's awful. Not sure who came up with that but they should be put in jail haha.
Sorry, trailing off here. Anyway, these Rosarito baked goods were the best. That alone would be a good reason to move there...(more about that later...In another post I mean, so you'll have to come back haha).


The Hivefest Welcome Evening

This year, there were only 60 people at Hivefest so it was much easier to connect with and meet everyone. A shame more people didn't show up but on the other hand, it was kind of nice this way.
Almost like a big family reunion.

After meeting and saying hello to some of the Thailand crew. I got to meet others who either hadn't been at Hivefest before or who I just hadn't met yet.

Excuse the bad photo quality. It was dark...

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In this photo: @nathansenn (co-founder of Dbuzz) @jeffjagoe @chrisrice (founder of Dbuzz) and yours truly

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and @chrisrice again
Nathan and Chris are very active in the Philippines by the way and there seems to be a growing community of Hive peeps there. Amazing work guys!

Unfortunately, these were all the pictures I took of that night. Meeting everyone was more important than pictures this time. But no worries. There's much more where this came from.

To be continued...

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Great to see your HiveFest report!

I'm trying hehe. Wanted to do one every day but time management isn't my strongest suit. But I'm getting there. I'm motivated now to post all of the pictures I have. So it'll be a while.

Looking forward to it and the moving part?

Hehe. I'll keep the suspense going for a little bit. Nothing is certain yet so we'll see.

Nice to read about the journey. For all my life I thought tacos were supposed to be hard like these taco sets you buy in the supermarket, lol. Until my boyfriend started to watch these street food shows and we saw differently. We ordered them from a local restaurant and now I absolutely adore them! That picture of your son is making me crave them lol.


Hahaha. That's a good one. Nope, those crunchy taco shells is TexMex. Just like the Burrito and Chili con Carne...Any Mexican will tell you: Taco Bell is NOT Mexicano. 😄 Oh, and there's a Belgium food truck here in town. They call their Mexicanos as we know them Belgicanos, lol.
But yeah, tacos are nice. And about the cheapest food out here, together with the quesadilla. Which, by the way, wasn't originally with cheese...
To top it all off: Only Americans are actually gringos. But you knew that I believe. 😊

Yeah I never knew until recently that there's a difference between TexMex and the real tacos. I love watching these street food shows as you learn a bit about all that food in different cultures.

I'm not a huge fan of the cheese quesadilla honestly, never had a good one probably haha.

Yeah that last fact I knew because you told me once when I thought we were gringo's too, I always thought it's referred to foreigners. Taking notes, lol


You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @misslasvegas.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @misslasvegas.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District