
Airfare is SO expensive now, isn't it? We have a lot of miles to use so if we can make it we'll probably use those for the flights. Thank you! If I wouldn't have said "yes" I have no doubt that I'd still be working a cubicle job.

Oh yes and everything is getting more expensive. They blame the Ukraine war, but we know that the money world is trying to stave off a recession.
Destiny stepped in for you resulting in your freedom.

I apologize for the late reply, but we have to cope with power cuts over here.

Have some !PIZZA as a peace offering.

Yes, we live in a precarious time in history right now. The freedom is indeed the best part. I will never, ever take that for granted.

No worries about the late reply. I'm glad power was restored! As it just so happens...I'm having pizza for lunch! : )

Precarious time is indeed an apt description and once that one has a taste of freedom, one remains hooked. Working according to strict times for a boss was never my idea of life.

Temporary restoration as the cut the power very day and at times like now, the gets cut twice a day, which of course plays havoc with our economy.

Have a !BEER

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