Are You Going to HiveFest?

in #hivefest2 years ago (edited)

I’ll never forget the message I received from @roelandp in late summer of 2016. It was short and simple and said something like, “Would you be interested in being a first speaker at SteemFest (Yes, I know I used the “S” word.) in Amsterdam this November?”

Honestly, my first reaction was fear and my mind started spitting out excuses as to why we couldn't go. I had never been out of the U.S. except for a brief trip to Mexico. A flight over the ocean seemed out of reach financially for us as well. I was just beginning to make some real money with my blog posts but I was using that to pay down our credit card debt.

Somehow I mustered the courage to say “Yes” and, looking back, that “yes” was the pivotal moment that changed my life forever. My wife and I scraped together enough extra money to combine with my blog earnings and pay for the flight/hotel and ended up having the time of our lives.

The entire five days were nothing short of magical for us. We met friends that we’re still in contact with today. The experience reinforced how important it is to say yes to things that push you out of your comfort zone or might seem difficult or even impossible.

Here are a few photos from that first Fest in 2016.

If you have the means, I would definitely encourage you to try to make it to HiveFest this year. I promise you won’t regret it. Click here for more details about the festival in Amsterdam September 15-18.

Are you planning on going to HiveFest? Yes, no, or maybe?

~Eric Vance Walton~


(Gif compliments of

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Thank. you! I got really lucky early on and had great mentors to educate me about crypto and how not to fall victim to the advice of "influencers". The most important piece of advice I learned is consistency, and engage with other content creators. Sell a little at a time on a regular basis during bull markets and buy a little at a time on a regular basis during bear markets.

What a great story and I think you are right! I have to agree that stepping out of your comfort zone is uncomfortable, but, very rewarding. I hope you are able to get there!

Thanks! I hope so too. Time will tell. : ) Enjoy the rest of your week!

HiveFest is definitely an event that I would love to go to, unfortunately I'm from Venezuela so it's almost impossible, so I can only admire from a distance, are you going to go?

It's not going to be easy getting there from the US either. We're going to try but it will be pretty expensive.

I imagine bro... I hope you have the chance to go and record some content to upload it here on Hive, I'll be on the lookout, hugs!

I'd love to, but there isn't much chance of it. Too expensive and being in the "fall" it is too close to the beginning of the school year. I wouldn't be able to pull myself away from work. Plus overseas travel is still a bit scary for me right now. Hopefully that changes one day. There is so much I would like to see.

It's going to be significantly more expensive for us in America that it will be for those in Europe. Hopefully travel will be a little better by this fall. I'm hearing of people getting stranded in Canada of all places. Just as luck would have it I'm flying there in September. Hopefully the airlines get their acts together soon.

That would be amazing for sure, but I also just heard that splinterlands is having an event in October in Vegas- definitely putting that on the potential travel roster as it would be much more doable, if not quite as cool as Amsterdam!

Oh, I hadn't heard about the Splinterlands meet up. I haven't been very involved in that community since shortly after they launched on Steemit. I hope you can make it to Vegas! I haven't been there in over twenty years!

I haven't been as involved since the first year- actually won a couple tournaments back in the day when it was still steemmonsters :) But then I sold most of my collection for a profit and mostly lost track of how it was going, except I'm friends with someone on the staff, @clayboyn. So yeah, hopefully I can make that happen!

Same here. I bought some cards early on but then got wrapped up in the HardFork Series and completely lost track of the game. I sold all my cards last year, I believe, when I rediscovered them. Best of luck making it to Vegas!

Hmm not sure! I definitely plan on doing some Europe travel around that time, so part of me's like why not Amsterdam? (never been). I definitely loved the one in Krakow. (also a reviled S-word, I know), at the same time I worry it won't be the same mood anymore? If that makes sense?
Would've asked you if you were heading over, but I see someone else beat me to the punch! Hope you do!

Which cities do you plan on visiting? I think you would like Amsterdam. As long as you veer away from the tourist traps it is a really charming place. The shops around the red light district have mostly become trashy tourist traps. A lot of them sell fake cannabis products, cheap souvenirs, and such. For the real stuff you have to do your research and find a "coffee shop".

I wish I would have known about HiveFest earlier in the year because I have a trip to Montreal planned for the second week of September so this is really the only "fly in the ointment" for us and also we'd need to find a dog sitter for our elderly beagle. I would be getting back from the Montreal trip and then would have to board a plane two days later for The Netherlands. I'm really going to make an effort to go though. We'd probably stay at least ten days if we do come. I'd like to venture out to Rotterdam and some of the other towns within a day-trip distance from Amsterdam. Each 'Fest I've attended (1 &2) had a completely different vibe so I think the mood will be different.

Ha, thank you for the tip! I typically try to stay away from touristy stuff, anyways. I do think Amsterdam will be fun, and if it fits with HiveFest, then why not?Though I'm not all that active, I kinda stick to a few people I've known for a long time.
I honestly don't know what cities. It's a bit of an adventure, but I want to get to Croatia (Zagreb and Zadar are on my must-see), and the Czech Republic (rained like hell the whole time I was there a few years ago). Other than that, I'm open to the winds and to suggestions, if any? :)

I would be getting back from the Montreal trip and then would have to board a plane two days later for The Netherlands.

That sounds both hella tiring and like a badass adventure! Yeah, you're right, can't go in expecting it to be the same as the past. That's just a recipe for a bad time.

I don't like the touristy stuff either unless it's tied to history in some way. We did a lot of the cliche attractions in London and that was fun because it was educational. I have a friend in Croatia that has asked me to come visit and would love to see that part of the world. The food is supposed to be really good there. In terms of suggestions, we loved Portugal. Lisbon makes a great home base for smaller towns like Sintra. It is absolutely gorgeous there and the people, culture, and food were outstanding. Other than that, the UK and the American southwest. The Grand Canyon is like nothing I've ever seen anywhere else in my life.

Yeah, those two trips so close together would be pretty taxing but probably worth the wear and tear. : )

You should indulge them, Croatia seems brilliant.

Hmm, headed to the UK again in two days, as for Lisbon, oh my heart. I did a last-minute trip there in the summer of 2020, when the restrictions had eased up a bit and I was desperate to just go. Best decision of my life. <3

I've never been to the US actually, but would love to go. Something about the nature, big open spaces and roads thing really appeals. You don't get that in Europe.

I would love to go. He plans on buying a lot of land there and he said if the world goes to hell I have a spot on his land. Lol.

Oh nice! I bet you're excited to go back. I really connected with the UK, almost half of my DNA comes from there so maybe that's why. Believe me, driving from Minnesota to Arizona has taught us just how much wide open space there is here. It takes us four days of driving 6-8 hours a day to get there. Once we get through Kansas City there are only small towns with large gaps of open spaces in between.

Enjoy your trip and safe travels!

Astonishing how something as Hivefest can be impacting. In 2018 I talked to theycallmedan about going to Hivefest and he said we could make it possible, but then COVID bit and everything became history. I imagine how it's going to be for you attending another one this year. Imagine being skeptical at first and it later turned out really great.

I wouldn't attribute 100% of my success to attending that first SteemFest but it certainly got the ball rolling and was a great chance to network. There's nothing like meeting people face-to-face. I hope you can make it this year. Maybe theycallmedan will extend the offer to help again?

Hi Eric, I'm really impressed with your story. When you say "yes" it turns out that meeting can change your life. From this we can conclude that we should not refuse every opportunity that will make our lives progress and become even better. Hope you have a beautiful day.

Hi Eliana! Thanks, it's so important to face fears and push through the feelings of inadequacy. As I've gotten older I've realized most people don't know what they're doing, even successful ones. The only difference between really successful people and everyone else is they learn to take risks and make an effort to learn about things they don't know. I hope you have a great week!

Your memory is so good that you still remember the message from @roelandp , This is a sign that friends are very loyal to @roelandp , amazing for both of you. I also want to be like you two

Hello dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon
I can imagine what a pleasant experience that must have been, it's good that you accepted, and allowed you to meet so many wonderful people.
I would love to be able to attend, but I do not have the financial means, in addition, they are totally null in English
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon

Hello! I'm sorry you won't be able to make it. We're not sure if we will either. It's quite expensive. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

Are you going?

We’re going to try. How about you?

If everything goes well, we are going.

Great! I have to trip to Montreal at the beginning of the month buy I’m really hoping we can do both.

that's an awesome story of a chance taken that paid off.

Thanks! The entire experience felt like a "test". I got sick on the flight over and ended up with a sinus/ear infection a day before I was to present. I ended up getting through it with the help of a remedy (elderberry syrup) from a Dutch pharmacy. In the end it all worked out great.

I wish, but no, we don't have the means to go and I hope that a hivefest will take place in South Africa one day.
Glad that you said yes to the invitation and at times life works out in wonderful ways.


Airfare is SO expensive now, isn't it? We have a lot of miles to use so if we can make it we'll probably use those for the flights. Thank you! If I wouldn't have said "yes" I have no doubt that I'd still be working a cubicle job.

Oh yes and everything is getting more expensive. They blame the Ukraine war, but we know that the money world is trying to stave off a recession.
Destiny stepped in for you resulting in your freedom.

I apologize for the late reply, but we have to cope with power cuts over here.

Have some !PIZZA as a peace offering.

Yes, we live in a precarious time in history right now. The freedom is indeed the best part. I will never, ever take that for granted.

No worries about the late reply. I'm glad power was restored! As it just so happens...I'm having pizza for lunch! : )

Precarious time is indeed an apt description and once that one has a taste of freedom, one remains hooked. Working according to strict times for a boss was never my idea of life.

Temporary restoration as the cut the power very day and at times like now, the gets cut twice a day, which of course plays havoc with our economy.

Have a !BEER

Hey @ericvancewalton, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Are you planning on going to HiveFest? Yes, no, or maybe?

If it would be somewhere in Hungary, then I would certainly go, but Amsterdam, Netherlands is too far away (1243 km) for me just for a gathering, so I am not planning to go, but good luck and all the best to everyone, who go.

I have not went outside of Hungary so far. If I will travel more than 1000 km in one go, then that will be with a serious reason, for example moving to live abroad.

That is quite a distance! Do you ever see yourself moving anywhere else to live?

I thought about Spain and about Serbia so far. I know a cave living community on Tenerife. If I lose my current rent for some reason, then probably I will go there. If I lose my rent, then I will lose my part time jobs too, and only my pension-like income will remain, which is approximately only $250 USD per month, and the possible choices are very limited with such a low income. Not to mention the fact that I have a Harris's hawk, and most people do not allow animals in their house.

So I am prepared even for the worst. Living in a cave, living in a car, etc. I also heard about squatters in Spain, who live in abandoned houses. I have a contact on Facebook, who know (or at least knew a few months ago) "occupiable" houses. So there are a few options, from which I can choose from, if I lose my current rent and my part time jobs.

Those destinations sound like some great choices. Hopefully you don't lose your rent or jobs and you can't just travel for pleasure at some point.

Hivefest is definitely an event that shouldn't be missed and I really wish I can participate in this year's own.

Hey @ericvancewalton, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


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It's always a wonderful experience and I've read posts about Hive Fest with pictures to know that it's a wonderful experience where you can connect and make friends which bodes well for the future. I hope we can recreate something like that here too because we have a huge fan base here in Nigeria, and particularly Lagos too.