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RE: What Does Hive Mean To Me? - Not the answer you expected!

in #hiveimpact4 years ago

What we need are people who have fun and share it with us. I've been around for over two years now and I have to admit that sometimes it's all extremely complex and daunting. Try to explain to someone what this is all about and how it all works. Many non Blockchain Nerds shake their heads and refuse. Too complicated and that's the point. Why would anyone come here?

To me this is all just an experiment. I want to know where it's going and I have a little hope that a hopefully decentralized social media platform will find more followers in the future. We will see where the journey goes.


I really love your daily pictures :)

Yeah, for most people using the page is probably too complex and time consuming besides their normal life. That's why I think easier options like for example Appics have way better chances of getting it out to greater amounts of "normal" people who just want to use an easy app.