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RE: HiveWatchers, Artificial intelligence, My friend Bala & ongoing discussion

I downvote almost every day unless my downvote VP is zero. Sometimes I leave a comment. A lot of times I don't. I am most definitely not part of hivewatchers.

The reason I don't comment is that when you have heard the same excuses a million times over from the same type of reward farmers it's gets tiring repeating the same old crap.

It isn't just hivewatchers that downvote. We all should. I am glad you are lending your vote to a trail.

If we make downvotes require a community response or a written justification then what about upvotes? Should we write a soliloquy on each post we upvote?


I am with you to downvote more.

But i tryed it out a time and can say for me, it is not working, becouse i do not see a lot, i realy want to downvote. Earlier in my live, i would be a harcore downvoter maybe, but with the age their comes the chillin in me and all that what i do not like to downvote every day, cost me the hole day in most cases.. :-)

Also i do not see in my little #Deutsch Bubble a lot to downvote. I like the people there on hive and i like to see they using him, for whatever.

If somebody farm that plattform, he would not long votet from users like me, becouse i see it at a point and stop voting up for be a lot harder consequenzes than just a little downvote.

Ignoring the ignorable so i mean it maybe in that language. Now i have to go back to my #Deutsch bubble, becouse english is something i do not like and would downvote mostly for overrun all that wunderfull languages of this world... ;-P

It's not for everyone. There is nothing wrong with staying in a bubble. I quite like to at times!! :0)