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RE: Bullied off chain by Acidyo? Hahahahah downvote bully!

in #holozing3 months ago

Pokemon doesn't own the fucking concept of 'cartoon animals that look cute and can be battled with', come on man. If you're going to accuse someone of plagiarism and IP theft at least know what that means.

Palworld is 1000x closer to IP infringement than Holozing is. I don't even support holozing and I know that at a glance. I hate to see downvote bombs because that sucks for everyone, but I dunno man... I can't really say @acidyo's wrong about being mad at the constant accusations when it's pretty blatantly untrue.


He's just mad because my words ring true. And then of course trying to force me to not have my own opinion?

He is responsible for running off massive amounts of individuals from our blockchain as well as destroying any chance that we have at growing...

Backstabbed psyberx and ecency. Has a massive last of failed projects here on the blockchain as well as a reputation of being the worst no effort content judge. Completely hypocritical.

But he owns what is left of hive. So I completely understand how you're trying to stand up for him and get a little bit of rewards from his stake.

Me? I'm not getting paid by him or hive. I get a tiny pitiance anymore. I've got massive amounts of friends as well as communities that have been run off from hive.

Oh yeah. Him and his group threatened to destroy me because my dog didn't type his own blog post? Lol. Seriously.

But good luck. With friends like that you don't need enemies

Ecensy seems to be doing fine though I thought? I don't use it as PeakD and Keychain hit all my needs so if there's more to that I'd be interested.

As to PsyberX, I was always a little amazed at the hype for that given that it was from a group of devs with almost nothing behind them and came out of the gate with more promises than seemed achievable. Y'all got rug pulled because we WANT to believe in folks on our chain... But everything about the game and company had huge red flag vibes for me and I'm quite sure I wasn't the only one.

I don't know what hand Acidyo had in their demise but EVERYTHING about how they operated was shady, so Im skeptical about placing too much blame on an individual over what always had vaporware/Rug pull vibes.