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RE: Settling In Again

in #home5 years ago

That's grand man, you will be sorted in no time!! Those pubs look good! I do like the sound and look of the second from the outside but I would probably be raring to give Billy Bootleggers a go!


If you ever make it way this far south, once we have fixed your nosebleed we should certainly see what the inside of Billy Bootleggers looks like :)

Hehe, I will hold you to it!!! The pub that is and not my exceptionally silky length

Phew. Fortunately I've not had to go to those lengths for a quick buck!

Not yet!! hehe!

Single cents STEEM and I could cross the line :O

Don't joke, we've been flirting on the verge of it for too long!!

We have. And what a stubborn bunch we are still here grinding away. Take me too the beach STEEM!