Progressing with my House work

in #home8 months ago

Before I start with today's blog, from yesterday, it was such a disappointment that India lost :-( Anyways it's a game and on the day Aussies played very well and won the match. Congratulations to them for winning the world cup.

I have been sharing some updates on my house work, the work has been going on full swing and it's getting tougher by the day for me to coordinate sitting miles away. Thankfully the people on the job are very cooperative and helpful so it's making me feel better. This was the toughest job for me, selection of the tiles for every nook and corner of the house. Last month when I was in Mumbai, I did most of the selections at the shop but coud not do all of it. The remaining then I had to do it over the whatsapp with video calls. I do not like to do any selections over the phone as what you see in actual differs a bit in color when you see it on the phone. I had no choice since the work cannot stop.

I wanted different tiles for different sections of the home so it was a lot for me to do. The more you see the more confusing it gets. I must have visited almost 10 different shops and I could not even pick up one of them. At the end I just decided that I will now go to one shop and select all of it from one place itself. Thankfully I got one shop which has very good variety of tiles for all parts of the home. Bathrooms, living room, kitchen, steps, bedrooms, verandah, balconies, terrace these are all the places that I had to select for. At this shop I got a good variety to see and select from. The shop owner was also very helpful, he helped me a lot

The kitchen is what was started first and I am so glad to see the outcome of my selection. What do you think of these kitchen floor tiles. I like it a lot. I wanted something that I would enjoy watching it and this one is sure one of them.

The kitchen wall has also come out very well. Both the wall and floor tiles are blending very well with each other.

This is what I have selected for my Yoga room. I wanted something like a Mandala design for both of these spaces and I managed to get them.

The balcony is getting ready. These are the simpler ones

The architect made the layout for the bathroom walls and shared with me. I like this setting

Selection is one part of the job and then getting the right set up is another. If the right set up is not there then even the best of the selections can go wrong, and if the setting is done right then even the most simplest of designs will look attractive.
This one is a very simple design, but when set up in this manner, it looks very elegant.

The bedroom flooring will come up like this. It gives the wooden finish look. I would have loved to do the wooden flooring, but for this place it's not feasible with the climate. There is heavy rainfall in this part and it would spoil them very fast.

This brown one I selected for the main entrance verandah and then following with the cream one for the living room. The verandah tiles were the toughest part. I was not getting what I had in mind. This one is also not 100% to the idea that I had in mind, but then it is still the closest and I like the design on it which are again some of the mandala designs and they will look good at the entrance.

Quite a lot of work to do, it's going to take a long time. The overall progress is good. Now my next job is to work on the external garden area where again there are many challenges and lots of work to do.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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😂 I couldn't sleep last night! India gave no fight. How is this possible?

Tiles and marble work seem to be finished soon. Congrats Naina Ji.

True, it was a very easy defeat. They are not that weak to give up so easily :-(
Thank you for the wishes

I love all the tiles you selected. The ones that resemble mandalas are my favorite.
I remember when I went through that process in the house we bought 8 years ago, it came in gray work, and all the tiles had to be put in.
Now I have in mind to buy a house again, maybe a smaller one or an apartment, in my new country, and your progress making yours encourages me to continue with this dream.

Doing up your house is very fulfilling. This has been my dream home and hence I have been putting in a lot of energy in it.
I wish that you can also pursue your dream and make it true

The work will definitely require huge amount of workload but I definitely believe you will finish it in no time

Yes, it's going on fast pace, but I still believe that it will take 6 to 7 months more

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Oh! You sure do have a lovely taste. I like the combinations and choices for all the rooms highlighted above especially the kitchen walls and floor combination, the wooden floor for the bedroom entrance and the bedroom tiles- I like🤩

For someone who found it hard to make a choice at first- you sure did remarkably in your picks. It will all look marvellous in good time. I like renovations especially when the turnout is beautiful.

Thank you for the compliments @whitneyalexx. Yes I am also hoping that it will all look very good on the floor and walls.
I too enjoy the renovations, specially this part where you make your space attractive with your choices

My pleasure 💕

I think the architect knows how to bring up good designs of the layouts
They really make sense
Well done

True, they have lot of innovative ideas

you've so great taste, my dear! I like everything you've chosen! mandalas for yoga room are perfect! and I do like kitchen and bedroom floor. How nice your house will be!!

Thank you so much my dear and I am hoping that someday you will visit my home and I look forward to that

Very elegant indeed. Looks nice. And I totally get the confusion part, as we all know "a confused mind doesn't buy". I remember this study that was done with jams. One group had to choose from six jams and another group was presented with forty something flavors. Those in the second group purchased less and walked away totally overwhelmed by the huge variety of choice.

I have this problem, whenever it is in excess I can never make a selection. Even for clothes, during Sale period when the stores get crowded and there is overflow of clothes I just feel lost and end up buying nothing.

I am sorry for the India team's loss in the final. This might be similar loss to me like Kor-Jap national football match. :(

I really like your design choices, too. Hope that all work will go to your plan . :)

It's a game after all and when one loses one wins also.
Thank you for the compliments and your good wishes @yeouido.park