We are expanding the homeless meal, this time we added haircuts.

in #homeless3 years ago

The homeless meal has been growing over the last decade. Volunteers have allowed us to do more, and the latest add is haircuts.

The Lady in blue here is a hairdresser:
blue lady volunteer.jpg

She donated her skills, and cut haur as soon as she was set up, until we tore down!
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She was amazing, and did a dozen haircuts!
They lined up for the haircuts, before the food.
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She stayed busy all day! Everyone was thrilled with the haircuts.

The clothing ministry continues, with volunteers added specifically for that!

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We are working on better gear for this area, now that we have people committed to this function.

The line is set up and ready to serve:
ready to serve food.jpg

Serving went well:
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We fed over a hundred people, and no one leff hungry!

One of "our" kids, feeding one of "their" kids
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Both were happy, it was good to see; even though I hate to see homeless children!

These are are our volunteers:
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They are from five different churches, and three denominations. I am so proud of these people! Some have been with us from the start.

Some of our volunteers can't stand for a long stretch, so they sit and pass out plates and silverware :
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One Gentleman here is in a wheelchair, but he doesn't line his picture taken, so he's off to the left. He comes every time, and I know it is harder for him; but he is always upbeat.

We had wheelchairs on the other side of the table too:
some of our homeless are handicapped.jpg
He was making jokes about adding a trailer to carry all his food, LOL!

We try to feed them well, and not limit the food like they usually see:
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We told this Lady, to come back if she was still hungry. They aren't used to being treated decently.

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This was when we began feeding :
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The nan in the grey shirt, is an elder at my church. When they were deciding to help with food about four years ago, I asked him to come and see what we were doing. He has not missed a single feeding since!

We served lasagna, spaghetti, mac and cheese, green bean casserole, chili, beef stew, desserts, and chicken stew.

It was a blessing to be GOD's hands for the afternoon, and the weather was perfect!

Things are finally coming together. We Just had a donor offer us real funding to get the Equipment we have wanted for years!

So we will see where this leads, and how much more we can do to help these good people in a bad spot. This has never been boring!

Be Blessed!


I bet there was a lot of smiling faces there! Bless you, man!

There were for sure, they are beginning to trust us; and it only took a decade of feeding, ROFLOL!

We feed some that were originals, and they are there by choice. But, we have helped some off the streets too! One of our volunteers started on the other side of the table, and now he brings food and serves.

It is Always a blessing to be allowed to be GOD's hands for a day!


Woohoo hair cuts that should be very much appreciated.

That was the busiest area of all! They were thrilled, and she did a great job. We wsnt to get a doctor to do free health screenings, but that has not worked yet.

We'll just keep trying, and see what works!
