My story. 4 nights and 4 days as a homeless. The lesson I learned

in #homeless7 years ago (edited)


I wanted to see how the street people live ... Where I sit, what I eat, where I sleep, how I am ... Bir wanted to come and ... We both cut short and we left our beard so we could be credible ... Sister And my brother-in-law have just cut us out of scissors and "works of art" have come true ... We did not get a phone, a wallet, no papers, no money, only 5 lei that I had received in Jesus' name for what We were going to do ... God stood in the back of everything ... Because of this you read this ... He taught me and showed me that life is not what I think ... I experienced experiences as he did not even get through my head ... I will tell them ... O To be longer, but for whom to read it will be useful ... Begin ...

I did not leave for a long time ... I greet Bir ... He got to the right, I to the left ... I'm walking down the street and I can not get my head off the ground ... When you're badly dressed you feel inferior ... I'm not "Man of the street" than for a few minutes and I find it pressing... Skip people, you look in their eyes, they "scans" you from head to toe dirty adidas ... They also go heads or look looking Somewhere after seeing how I look ... I saw someone who "looks like" with me ... I passed him but I came back ... He had some "blacksmiths" in a cart ... I wondered what he was doing They ... Razand, I answer: "What should I do? I sell them. "... I asked him if I could sell myself ..." How the hell can not you, "he replied in a low and revolted ... Even he looked strangely at me ... He told me where he found them, Where he takes them, how much is the kilogram of iron, and how much money he stays at the end of the day ... 400,000, he said, then he smoked a cigarette smoke ... "Okay," I said, and left ...

Now I'm in a cemetery ... I looked at the pictures of the deceased people and what was written above them ... He saw me a lady ... He looked in my eyes and then left his head ... I passed by a dump dug ... On The heap of the earth is lying on a cigarette pack that says "smoking can kill" ... I am bitter bitter in me and walk back to the hole next to it now ... All fresh ... It's deep ... Dark ... It seems cooler In it only on the surface ... The flesh is earth and all the earth is coming back ... The soul should be in Heaven ... Eh, at least I was quiet ... I go on ... I'm curious ...

I'm on some cold stairs ... I took a jacket jacket and sat down on it ... I walked a few minutes ago in a market ... I walk through the "goodies" exposed ... I got out of the market and gave Of a "like me" ... I passed him, then I went back ... I asked him what he was doing ... "What should I do? Here ... "... he asked me what I was doing ..." What should I do? I'm walking around. "... I was wondering where I was ... I said that outside ..." Are not you cold? ", He said," It's not that cold yet, "I said, I wondered if he had any ... He had ... A pair ... He asked me where I am ... If I have brothers ...

I had a smell of "lying over" the boy behind the bronze that he was inspiring from a bag ... I wondered what he was eating ... He said there were people who still give ... I wonder why I do not go abroad ... I, I said that I die better in the country than in foreigners ... "That's right," he also strengthened ... He said that if I want, I can go tomorrow with "Brancoveanu" to take a bath ...

From the store in front of which we were out came another "like us" with a white bag in his hand ... "Look here, eat" ... He stretched it to me ... "I mess with him", I told him ... "Eat you!" Said the boy who consumed the bronze ... "Eat it as a chicken ... It's fine ... It's hot," said the blessing ... He left ... I pulled the two chicken pieces and divided them, Then I was crying "instant" ... I met the one who gave me the food ... 11 years ago, I remember perfectly ... I started the 9th grade in Sibiu but I had to change a train... He was there on a The bank ... It was rocking and it had a strange tic to tongue ... Everybody on the street was then ... I wished I broke ... Then I laughed like he was doing with his tongue, I cried for the good ... I woke up the guy I shared the pieces with I told her that "all of us know how to do good" ... He told me not to cry anymore ... I gathered his hand, I said "I was" and I left ... God is good…

2.After I inserted I met Bir ... I ate the chicken piece I had received during the day ... We went to the student quarters area where I gave some poorly dressed boys who blew in some silver colored bags ... We sat on a cement thing and watched TV through the window of a place where one can eat ... He was looking at the match and one of the guys who "inspired" bronze ... He looked strange to me, I was not in the place ... I asked him if he was cold ... "Me? No! ", And went back to TV ... It was too cold so we got up and walk around to warm us ...

When you live on the street, the time is going hard ... You have no reason to hurry up, no one waits for you ... Time seems kinder to this kind of people, but it seemed to me more a punishment ... It was hardly We wait for the weather to pass ...

We went to the station ... I've seen people have been hiding here over the years ... We have not been eating anything since everything started except for that chicken piece ... I bought a bread ... I gave 2.3 lei a Bread not too big ... I got out of the shop and I gave one as "we" ... It smelled bad, more amplified when talking ... It was alcoholic ... We came back, saying that I took a bread ... I wonder if he does not want a piece ... He looked at us wonderfully, he left his corners down and said, "Well, what are you eating?" ... I told him we were doing that bread ... " Give me a piece of bread, come on! Wait! "... He put his hand in the plaster, pulled some melted cheese and tried to break that flask with his nail ..." I got it too ", he told us ... He failed to break it ... I got him My hand I left ... I ate the bread ...

We were looking for a sleeping place ... The waiting room was warmer ... At 1 am two people came from the "guard" of the train station to ask if we had a ticket. Whoever did not have had to go out ... We did not get out ... We went into the underground passage, slept a little on foot, but it was too cold ... We got up and got some used cars ... Someone at the station yelled, "What are you doing there? Go back! "... We continued our search despite what he had asked ... They were locked at all the doors of the wagons ... We left a New Testament in the net of a street man who slept deep in the cold outside ... We went back in the passage I took a cold again ... We went to 5 o'clock in the waiting room ... No one left us ...

I open my eyes and see a young man in the waiting room ... Read ... The Bible ... He passed six times in front of me and not even once dared to look me in the eye .... I wondered, "What's the use?" ... It sees the bad guy all the way out ... I wanted to go ask him if he understood something he read, but I was too ashamed ... The people in the room, but even worse than me. I was no better than him, so thinking about God, I learned only what I saw ...

I did not think it would be that hard to live on the street ... The cold makes your eyes red and you change your voice ... I did not have much time to understand that life on the street is not a life ... And how, The light was made ... It was a hard day ... It was too heavy ... Too heavy ... Bir did not resist, caught the cold and went home ... We saluted ...

3.I got out of the station ... I met two other people on the street ... I wondered where I was sleeping ... "What's the matter with this question?" One of them said, "I explained that I'm not out of town and that I'm looking for a shelter ... They gave me all the explanations I needed ... I left them a New Testament ... "I've got them and now I give them to others that they gave me more, I told them ... They took them, we went away and I saw from afar how they put them in their breast pockets ...

I passed by people I knew ... They did not recognize me, maybe because they did not really look at me ... When I left home I was going with my head off and my eyes in the ground, feeling the people watching To me ... Now I've got my head up, and I look at them ... They leave their heads after seeing me, and look at the earth ... "They do not care," I say to my soul ...

I met another boy on the street ... I drew a New Testament and, without saying anything, I put it in my hand ... After a few yards I turned to him enough to see that he smiled at him ... I hope he knew To read ... And now it rains ...

I have already slept three times on the benches through parks ... Yesterday was the sun, today it rained ... I feel the cold in the bones in the hip area and not only ... I do not have the time ... I could not sleep too much because So I went into the Orthodox cathedral ... I gave my head down and went to one of the chairs in the church ... It seems I'm sitting in a "bought" place ... Above my head is a name engraved in the wood The chair: "Dr. Octavian Neagoe "...

I see people kissing objects, others pass by me wanting to reach the place where confession, confession is made ... I thanked God in my heart for the Scripture and found me and me ... It's a favor ... I confessed Who I must, God ... It's good ...

On my left was a man singing with the priest ... He knew the singing ... I listened to him several times ... In one pause I said "play a good one" ... He left his head, a sign that he heard me ... It was A service in which I heard about Jesus and the repentance ... I was saying "ah" where I consented ... The one who assures the protection and guard of the church looks at me ... Every time we meet my eyes I leave my head ...

I spent four hours in the church ... After the job, the man on my left looked at me and told me that he wanted to be a priest, but because of persecution during communism he gave up ... He grabbed my hand And went away ... Another, passing by me, smiled at me as he left his head ... I smiled and I left him too ... He came back from his way to the exit, he gripped my hand and he Asked what I was doing ... "At the job," I replied ... I was surprised by his gesture ... I then talked to the one who stood on my right ... I talked about nails, axes and shovels ... I enjoyed them ...

5.I went to a shelter for the street people ... They did not let me sleep overnight because I was not on the list ... I needed a bulletin, but I, as I left without anything after me, did not have a chance ... I welcomed and came out ...

I went to the Kerigma Christian Library ... I went back and said, "I'm doing a test" ... Inside were two ladies and a baby ... I wondered if it was still open ... "No. From 5 (17:00) I closed "... It was sometime around 7 pm ..." Did you want something? ", Asked the salesman ... I said" no, I just wanted to warm up a bit "..." Well, come on "I was standing there and I was glad in my heart, seeing the baby playing next to me ... After 2-3 minutes I told the lady who received me that it was a test ..." ? "He asked ... I told him the story ... He recognized me only after he heard everything ... We had met three times ... He asked me to stay and so I did ... I went from there" warmed "and half Of salad with chicken ... It was flour.

I met a "old man of the street" a little later ... I stopped to greet him and talk to each other ... He was "hard of ears" so I talked "more voluminously" ... I asked if He was hungry ... "No, thank you, I ate" ... He told me that it was cold, that he was still a little and he was leaving ... I put his hand on my left shoulder and finished with "Lord help!" ... He equally nodded and he…

I stopped at a marble brace right in the center ... I turned my head and in front of me they knew two things ... They heard me talking to the old man, they just recognized my voice and they watched me ... They got me Honest with a warm tea that I enjoyed a lot, and I told them about what I went to see ... They wondered if I was hungry ... I was not ... I still had about half of the bread ... In the cathedral I read Matthew 6, so God enforced what he promised ... We received some banners, we saluted and we hated "easy sleep" ...

In front of the train station someone was leaning and handing the cars stopped at the traffic lights ... It was the boy who gave me the chicken pieces the day before ... Listen to the music ... When I stretched his hand and gave his helmets down ... I asked him What I do ... I told her he gave me the food and he replied that "God knows how I did" ... I asked if he was hungry, willing to share the bread ... Mancas ... I said " Thank you "and embraced him ...

Guardians did not let me stay in the waiting room unless I had a ticket ... I told them who they were and why I was doing what I was doing ... They were amazed but they did not believe me, thinking that many of those on The street invents all sorts of stories ... I went to the ticket house and took a bad ticket to "Baile Calacea" ... Now I'm in the train station next to a man who made it ... It smells hard ... Someone from the guard Urges him to come out ... "These are the rules" ...

At 5 am I reunited with the girls who offered me the tea the day before ... They entered the waiting room and spoke, which created a little wonder among those present ... One like me to talk to some like them ... I saluted, then I was going to hang out a little ... On the way back I saw them coming out of the waiting room, where I left my net ... They put sandwiches on me ... I do not get in the wind after the fat pepper, so put it God the pepper in all the sandwiches ... He wanted to teach me ... I did not comment and I ate some with joy and thanks ... The other sandwiches came to others together with a New Testament ... They wished me health ... I Stopped on a bench now ... I think I'm gonna pull a nap ...

6.I went back to the one with whom I split the two chicken pieces from the first day I started it all ... She greeted me and asked me what I was doing, then advised me to take care that they were "communities" through the area ... Also, Said "go out to give food repayment!" ... It's been enough to get there ... I crossed the street and I saw an old man leaning back from her back ... I stopped at her, while another lady Crossed the street to us ... I had to bend enough to see the girl's face ... She was pulling a suitcase on her wheels ... She came to us and the lady who crossed the street ... She offered to help her Old age ... The old woman went all "where the food pockets" ...

The lady who walked the street wondered if I was going to eat too ... "Yes," I told her ... He asked me a lot, including what I do, where I am, where I'm sleeping ... I explained who I am and what we are looking for On the street ... He told me that the Spirit of God had told him there was something with me ... I was very happy in my heart for the favor of God ... He went with me to the place where the food was divided and continued to tell ... He presented me to the brothers he was teaming with the joy of a child ... They were from different churches and I said in my mind that this was a real work, when the Pentecostal, the Baptist, the Christian after the Gospel, one with more charisma, To be the man, to cross the barriers and to do with others for something else, for the sake of God ...

I already know some of the people on the street ... I met the man who wanted to give us the melted cheese the first night and the others I had seen ... Petrica, the one who left the idea of ​​helping the homeless, spoke And he prayed for them ... One more naughty was still talking about him ... I asked him not to speak so loudly that I wanted to "hear what he said" that he said he was in the street " He saw the scarlet scarf ... "Yes, I was screaming that," he told me ... And he sat at his throat with joy ... Then he spoke again and again ... I prayed once again not to talk ... He took me aside and told me His life ... He has a handicap and he can not control him, he wanted to commit suicide but he did not get out, and now he does a few things he does not want to do ... Then he asked me how he called me where I stay And where do I come from? "Catalin, coming from Oltenia and sleeping in the station", I told him ... He went quickly and called a boy ... They both came and started Ionut His name) to do something emotional for me ... He told the one he had called where he was, where I was sleeping and I was bitter ... He wondered if they could not do anything to help me not sleep in the cold ... Said she was helping me ... She wanted to give me a bed in the ruins they slept in the former police building ... He told me that during the day, if I wanted to, I could go to sleep there as well Was sensitized in the soul ...

At least three of them asked me if I received a number of food orders ... I did not take it, because I still had half bread and some sandwiches in the raffia net ... I said I was taking it after I got all ... My Ionut went up to Petrica, the one who co-ordinated this work, and asked for a serving for me ... Petrica, knowing my story, looked at me ... I signaled it and smiled at my head ... I stood on a bolt ... Ionut came to me with four warm chicken in a disposable dish ... She bent over and put my food in my hand ...

The man with "melted cheese" approached me ... He wondered if I wanted a supplement that he was going to take me ... I asked him for some bread because Ionut had forgotten to bring me ... He stretched his hand to his plate and Grabbed two slices of bread ... He escaped on the ground ... He apologized ... "He has nothing," I told him, and I ate with him sitting beside me ... He saw my bread was over and He quickly put in his left hand two more slices of his serving ... Without even asking him, he went on to bring me three more ... I thanked him, but I was the village and he stayed for him ...
The one who gave me the slices of bread asked me why I sat with the plate in my hand and did not throw it ... I said I want to throw it in a garbage ... It took my hand and took it to me ... Another one said that I am "from that one who respects" while thinning his lip smile ... One was thirsty ... The man who had brought my dish to the garbage gave him a mouthful of sanitary alcohol ... I asked if he did not I'm sorry for him ... He asked me then if I had some water ... I gave him The glass of "half a liter" stuffed only on the quarter ... We saluted and wished for my health ... I found another dirty bottle, halfway across the street ... I put it in the net ... In the park I Met a friend who admitted me only when I smiled ... I did some pictures, while some people were looking at us unimaginable ... He left me some money ... I can buy Ticket ... I think I do not get to "Baace Calacea" ... Aaa, I also got a "neck" blouse from Petrica ... Take the place of the red scarf ...

I walked out of the park to the center cathedral ... Before I arrived, I met someone's gaze ... I was in the market ... He looked at me for a long time ... I was watching him too ... He left his head in greeting ... I left my own ... I did a "mental picture" and I analyzed it on my way ... It was the man in the Orthodox church who had come back from his way to greet me and ask me what I was doing ... She remembered ... I was glad she had not forgotten one like me ...

They read something from Peter to the church ... They also said about the saints "I do not know who" about some martyrs, defenders and what they may be, but that's the second part ... I took everything that was good, all What made him stand out for God ... On my left seat was a man of the street quite old enough, on the right just the same ... The left one fell asleep at some point and the snoring ... I look at the right and I ask him If I wake him up ... He shrugs his shoulders and lets his corners go down ... It was disturbing for some who were already looking at him ... I touched him enough to feel ... I told him it was like how he snored ... And I said "thank you" ... I left my forehead on my left hand ... I was "cut the movie" on the spot ... I fell asleep ... I hope I did not snore ... Hey, I woke up at the end of the job when people "shared" ... I wanted to have dinner, but I saw people pouring the icons before and after taking the priest's hand I drank bread in wine and I changed my mind ...

I went to the mall ... It was a place outside where hot air was blowing ... I sat there and warmed myself ... I went further and said to go in ... I sat down on a soft chair and waited, One moment in another to get someone out of the building ... It seemed to me another world, as if not quite the way I looked ... Fortunately, no one left me and I left willingly ...

I slept for about an hour and a half on a bench in the park ... It hurts you back so you went and stood in the chairs so you felt the need to stretch ... I woke up and went to the station ... I did not I got a ticket to "Baile Calacea" this time ... I took it up to "Remetea Mare" ... Aiurea, like 4 lei cost ... I thought it was cheaper ...

In the waiting room there's a boy I know, Alexie ... She used to "give up" to the girl I loved about a few years ago ... It was a "boy" character like that, like a stern in the air, and she was telling her That she's beautiful with me ... Not long ago came out of the waiting room ... I went out after him to greet him and tell him who I was ... There was someone who had gone out to smoke and did not want to I say right there, so I touched his coat and made him sign to come aside ... He looked ugly at me and took her quickly to the hall ... "Well, let me tell you something," I have I can not hide my laugh ... He cut me off and with a glance and walked straight into the waiting room ... I was out and did not stop shaving ... I was seeing how ugly she was looking at me through that window and not I could abstain ... After a couple of minutes, repeatedly I wanted to go back to the heated room, but every time I came close to the door, I laughed ... I did I was going to take up my chair, thinking I must look so fierce to look so bad at me ... Eaahh, it was exciting ...

It's Sunday ... I slept in halves in the waiting room ... I was going to go to a church where I have never been, a church I heard about ... As I did not have an hour, I woke up from time to time to check the passage Of the time on the "horology" on the platform ... I wanted to be in the church early, make sure I get the place ... I'm ... It does not look like a big building from outside, but the interior is grandiose ... I was leaving with small expectations wishing to be Surprised ... I went with my head on my head ...

At the entrance there was a man on his badge writing "order" ... "Put your head down and go over there ... Here's the brothers and sisters here," he told me ... He directed me to the back places ... I conformed to the directions ... At the edge of the row was an elder brother ... At the distance of 3 chairs he was another, older ... I sat between them, thinking to leave a free seat and to the right and in My left ... The brother on my right looks at me for a long time ... I'm studying my head to the feet ... I could see it with the "tail" of the right eye ... I looked at him once and turned his gaze ... It's been past Many people in front of me ... Two others sat next to me ... I counted those who got my hand, 4 in number ... I do not know if they greeted me because they really wanted but that was the turn ...

I listened to bands, instruments and choruses singing ... I was very impressed ... The sermon followed ... The brother on my left was sleeping ... It made me a lust that I just slept a little in the train station ... I got myself ... Read Luke ... A It was about who is "the greatest" ... I listened to what was spoken ... Sounds nice ... Someone in front ended the "service" with a prayer ...

Having already experienced the little greetings from the beginning, I fixed myself at the door this time ... I put my hat on my head and waited ... Waiting for someone to stretch my hand and greet me ... They took many people ... Someone was saying "What men!" ... I was expecting ... They were passing by all of me and nobody ... I just took the measures with my eyes ... I think they realized that the "S" port on the shirt, 30 At the pants and 42 in the shoes ... Finally, a younger boy "involuntarily" collided with my gaze ... From about 2-3 meters he said "I was waiting" ... I was waiting for someone to come near me ... Almost Emptied the church ... Did not come NOBODY...
I made my courage and went back to church ... The brother who had run the "program" and made the final prayer headed for the door, accompanied by someone ... I took it away and said, "Let's go I've come to greet you if no one ever greeted me ... "He looked at me wondering and asked where I came from ... I told her that" from the station ", showing my clothing anapoda ... I received a fake smile, "I was expecting you to be different ... I came from the morning ... I stood at the door now and nobody greeted me," I said to her ... "There is one to greet you," she said, wearing The same cheap smile on his face cared for ... I told him he just greeted me because I went to him ... "Now it does not matter ... Let's be glad we had the opportunity to greet," he said ... I- I said "there's a lot to talk to you in the church but few are done" ... Still smiling, he told me that "it depends" ... I looked into his eyes and I just said, "he should have To care, "as I turned to the door ... I threw my eyes back while I was preparing to make myself unnoticed after the gate and saw the same beautiful smile as she was talking to someone else ...

I held in my right hand the same raffia net, where I had no bread or water, just empty bags, a New Testament, and a thin jacket I lay underneath me when I was cold ... I went to the street and I was Despite telling me "You were right !!!" ... I wanted to be mistaken, but it was different ...

I see the things different now because I tasted only a tiny trickle of life in the life of those on the street ... Those people are strong ... I wonder besides how I passed without caressing ... I did not condemn any of them Those who did not greet me or the one I spoke to at the end ... I'm just sorry for "we," who should have been different and compassionate ... Of those who should have done it Knowing God, seeing us ... What to say ... At least it was the pleasant temperature in the church ... Now I'm putting a nap on a cold and lonely bench in the "Roses Park" ... Life is not "pink" at all ... Anyway, "they do not care," I tell ...

9.When you sit on the street you do not worry that you might sleep too much ... The cold is the best "alarm", it wakes you up when he wants ... I put aside my jacket with my knees, I Raised from the park bench and went to the Orthodox cathedral ... It's quiet and warm there ... I was watching the people standing in the queue to knead the icons ... Some went forward and kneel on some stairs ... I courageously And I went there in front, marching with my head cut in stairs amongst a few people ... I put on my knees and laughed for what I was doing, then I prayed to God ... I got up and I Recovered the seat that I stayed ...

I wanted to go to church on Sunday night, other than the one I was in the morning ... I went with bad expectations this time so I would not be disappointed ... I stopped at a church I visited Just once in my life four years ago ... I approached the door but it was closed ... On the two doors there were two sheets sticking the same message as the hours the church met ... They did not have a program Sunday evening ... I intended to go to the mall and stay warm, but I remembered a church not far from the area where I was ... I waited for 40 minutes after a bus which, as if intentionally no longer came ... Mi I picked up the net on the bench and I wanted to leave when my bus suddenly appeared ... It left me a distance of 2 minutes to the church ...

The big hall was closed ... I saw the windows of the earth and I went in ... I just gave my head off my head to spare anyone of the stupid explanations ... I opened the door and stayed there behind her ... I quickly looked over those present ... I do not know if there were more than 60-70 people out there ... I was expecting something to happen ... And something happened that sensed me to tears ... A sister at the beginning of the age " "He approached me and asked me if I did not want to go anymore ... I said" yes, if you take me "... He put his right hand on my back and took me right in the first row, On the first chair ... Then he whispered to my ear: "Here's hotter ... You can put your jacket down if you want" ... He left me right in the chair and I started to enjoy myself in my soul, trying to hinder some Drops of salt water to drain my unspotted cheek for 3 days ...

They were standing singing as God is holy ... I stood standing, though I thought they were looking at the "stairs" in my head ... I turned right, looking like a stranger to them, voicing To see if I crash with a strange look, but "these" had their eyes closed and their hands raised to God ... During my enjoyment of music, I saw the guy playing the bass guitar looking at me ... I I looked at myself ... He smiled at me two times ... The pastor who led the meeting looked at me when he spoke to the church, so did the preacher ... I was glad, not for me, but for every street man who would Could have been in my place ...

The church was over and I was expecting to see the end of the whole experience ... A young man passed by me ... I was sitting in the chair with my head off, looking at the pattern on the carpet when the pastor who led the evening approached me ... He sat right beside me, He asked me what I was doing, who I was, where I came from and where I was sleeping ... I wanted to refrain from telling the whole story, but I could not ... He was surprised and encouraged by everything I said to him ... God forbid, I will go on to them on the first occasion, following his invitation "Come on to us" ... I was glad I came to them ...

Yes, my expectations were deceived to me in the most pleasant and unspeakable way ... It was confirmed that where many are more "cold" and the phariseism of some is seen without the magnifying glass ... I felt acceptance, instead, in a small church As a number ... And I understand that not the quantity determines the power, but the quality ... You can have 6 horses (that word) and be all beautiful and lazy, or you can have two bitters, but they pull together ...

I'm going to sleep in the same waiting room ... I think I get my ticket all the way to "Baace Calacea" ... Haha ... I was not going to write anything, when I see a couple coming out of the corner, wearing together Their baby ... I've been seriously ... They both looked at me, they did not recognize me and they saw their way ... It's funny all this stuff ...

10.I took my ticket ... In the waiting room was also Ion, who gave me the chicken pieces from the first day ... I stayed both leaning near the warm radiator and I told ... I thanked again for what he had done for me ... He again told me that God knows ... He wanted to leave Romania saying that Basescu was playing with him ... I said I wanted to help him somehow ... "You? Do you help me? ", She said, looking at my clothes ..." What can you help me with? "..." Maybe I'll get some money and I'll get you out of there, I told him ... "You can not help me," replied Ion. "He said he did not want to leave, though, from the country ...

I told him that Saturday I was at the food at the repaid ... And he started to talk to me so well of them ... He told me a lot about God ... That's right, he's a judge, he sees ... He preached me without points Subtitles ... He knew a lot ... "It's good to repent," he told me ... "Pochetes help you if you repent" ... As I spoke to him, very sincerely and without any stress, he interrupted me and said: Smells your mouth ... It's not good to talk to someone ... Can you give germs? ... I think I smelled but I could not believe how lightly she told me to take care of how I talk ... I laughed I could not stand ... I put my right hand on my mouth and asked if it was okay ... He gave a shit ...

They pulled out the guys from the guard when they switched from 01: 00 ... I went out on the platform and asked him if he had some money ... I thanked him very much that he gave me the food ... I Thankful to him ... I told a man who was coming back from Norway about what I was doing and how I met Ion ... He was marked ... He had an opening to hear me talking about God ... I woke up to help him I took the luggage to the train of Iasi ... I embraced him then he told me that he had seen Ion in a crash some minutes ago ... "It's good you told me," I told him ... We saluted And I went back to the station thinking about what he told me about Ion ... I did not feel bad, but I was hoping to use the bans differently ...

At 6:00, I'm waking up from sleep ... Sleeping and seeing her face in the fog, I heard him say, "Do not eat and eat!", And he put me in a transparent casserole ... I was And I could not think so I put it next to me ... I woke up, I got dizzy and I read on the cover of the "jumeri" caserole ... The guards went in to control the ticket people ... It was 8:15 ... Their boss looked at me and said to me in a higher tone that I was getting old in the train station ... My train left at 8:31 ... "It's a quarter too," he told me ... " I have another quarter of an hour, "I replied.

In a park I opened the casserole from Ion ... There were two pumpkin pies inside ... God knew I was not winding after them and that's why he gave them ... "Figures" are not good ... I have inflated them With lust for them and Ion ... I felt sorry that I was wondering what he had done with the money ... I understood then ... I had taken some food from them ... He moved me ...

  1. I got on the 4th tram ... At the end of the line was a shelter for street people ... I wanted to get there ... I did not know where the "Teacher's Street" was, so I asked someone who looked like a worker on roads and bridges ... He had a The orange jumpsuit with some reflective stripes ... "Ma (in Transylvanian tone), and I go tat there" ... He told me to go after him ... "Go to the center 'ala?", He asked me ... I answered I do not know where to go ... I was going behind him and I was laughing at him. He leaned over a cigarette "chiclee" ... He had some black shoes he was stinking on while we were heading for the destination ... He was cursing himself ... I was walking halfway behind him ... He was still coming back After me and saying "come on me" ... I was fond of him ... He was treating me like a dad ... I got there and He was imprisoned ... He was cursed again and I fired a piece of razor ... "We go to Balcescu, I give Germans food to one half," he told me ...

I took the same tram and got down through the center ... I walked all the time telling you ... "Do you have a spoon?", She asked me ... I did not ... "I'll give it to you like I have three," she told me ... Where I sleep, where I am, and so ... He looked at me and said, "Oh, I have to give you some jeans that yours are dirty" ... I just said that I just stayed that day and I was leaving ... I I said that I ate on the Sabbath at dawn ... "Oh yes, yes, and I ate there," he said to me ... "People hate these reprisals," I say, "I give food to the poor" ... "Yeah, like me "I said to him that I would like to reproach myself ..." Ma, if you repent, you will have the best luck "..." How are you? ", I asked him ..." Those have Beautiful girls ... You are sorry with one and you have a house ... If you repent the pocaitians, they find you something out there ... "I grabbed my laughter, but laughed aside to not see me ... I said I wanted to do it From the heart, not for girls or house ... "It's good ... I can not, I can ... Alcohol can leave me, I can not get cigarettes, I can not, I can not! "... I told her to go and maybe God dropped him in the meantime ... He knew a lot about God and me Called some of the churches he had gone to ...

We arrived in Balcescu but the table was canceled as it was December 1 ... There was another boy who was blowing in a bronze bag and holding a cola bottle full of a quarter full of his arm ... He asked me to drink a mouth ... " I looked at the bag in my left hand at his face and said "no thanks" ... Then I thought it was a great thing he wanted to share that juice and me and I said "give me "I took a mouth and I thanked her ... I was standing on some stairs of cement and my" daddy "approached me ... Dorin called him ..." He said that we go back to the center and give him a "snitel" ... He told me the stories of many of those I saw on the street ... Like they had families, they broke up and they broke up ... I He said of one who had a scale and made nice money with him, enough to arrange a house well ... At one point he says "yeah, yeah, everybody knows me in Timisoara ... I'm sorry" ... Ra Deam de numa '...

I saw that he cared about me ... He wanted to make me a bulletin ... He said if the police take me, he talks to me, I'm his colleague and I'm waiting for my bulletin ... We stopped somewhere in the center and I I think I'm going to the church and then I see what to do ... How you want it, he told me like a dad ... He was 45 years old Dorin ... I've cherished him a lot ... I gathered his hand and, I'm happy for everything ...

Immediately after I saluted him for departure I saw Bir going "by the hand" by bicycle ... He came to look for me ... I did not stand on the streets ... I felt hot air on my nostrils and I waited to cool down ... 4 days and 4 nights on the street had his fingerprint on my "odor" ... I do not feel good at all ... I thanked God for the warmth of the place where Bir is, for hot water and for fries and egg "eyes" on which We eat them on a kitchen table ...

Eeeehhh ... God taught me many days ... I described part of what I saw and felt ... I'm ashamed of myself and inclined me in front of God ... He gave me lessons by those from whom you do not think you can learn anything ... God is in them, even if we judge them and see them "dirty", but it is true: "how are your eyes, so is your heart" ... We are dirty or we can do good and do not do it ... We are dirty When we have clean clothes and rotten minds ... We are dirty when we want a better life and we think selfish, like "heartless detractors ... We have too much compared to those who have nothing ... We have clothes, food, water, heat , Bedding and covers, seemingly trivial things, but things that many do not have ...

God taught me not to make any figures when it comes to food, whether it has a pepper or a pumpkin in the composition ... I also cherish the time now ... There is too much to do and the weather is going too fast ... Before we avoid the "streets "Now I want to look for my eyes ... I hope to stay with this in my heart ... Many of them are alcoholics because they lead a life too hard ... I did not condemn them ... I would not want to live their stories ... I'm Too heavy ... That's why some of them lost their minds ... I'm not saying to give money, I just say we start to care ... When you care what you know and what to do ...

Hair grows and my experiences stay ... I do not want to live what I've lived in the 4 days ... It's been just 4 heavy days, not 25 years of street, for example, that Ion lived ... I did not live Nothing ... I just grabbed a little bit of bitterness called "street life" ... I made a little too little idea ... The subject of my writing is not me, how could a couple of "smecherasi" armed with 5- Pipes ... It's about them, we and God ... People on the street do not have much, but they are better off than us ...

All of you who have read these words have a lot ... Too many ... If there is something extraordinary you have and they do not have SPERANTA ... I asked one what he does ... He gave me a sec response while letting me "Do not you die ..." You have a lot ... Consider this verse: "For you are always with the poor, and you can do it well whenever you want ..." Look also in Isaiah 58 and you will see What have you done ... A wise one said, "Who has the mercy of the poor, he borrows the Lord, and He will reward his favor." - Proverbs 19:17

God give us much passion for Him and compassion for men!


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