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RE: My Thoughts - The Second Amendment, NRA and Guns in Schools

in #homesteading6 years ago

As a gun owner, I believe we need reasonable gun control laws. I don't believe we armed guards in schools. There was one in Florida and he was hiding outside. That didn't do any good. Limiting access to assault weapons makes more sense. After all, they aren't funding public education as it is. Where will the money come from to pay for weapons and guards in the schools?

I also don't believe we need any god involved in public education. Rather, we need to teach adults and children alike to have tolerance and acceptance of others. You don't have to agree with someone to accept them, to befriend them, to be there when they need help.

Not to mention, there are multiple religious beliefs. If you start allowing one god in school, you can't exclude any others. Whether you want to believe it or not, not everyone has the same religious beliefs and not everyone prays the same way. And not everyone that claims to follow a religion actually does it according to the scripture they wave about.

No, the guns aren't to blame. It's the ease of access by these shooters who are attacking schools and churches. With more restricted access to semi-automatic weapons it would be more difficult for them to do these things.

That's how I see it, anyhow.


I respect your opinion and thanks for posting it here. However, I believe that the reason homeschooling is growing exponentially is because of the very things you think we don't need in schools. Parents disagree and thankfully they have the freedom to pull their kids out. You have tens of thousands of teachers who are veterans and every service member is trained on personal weapons in at least basic training. Give veteran teachers the OPTION to arm themselves if they feel they want to do so.

I'm not opposed to a voluntary carry by teachers if they're qualified to do so. The catch is, they need to be qualified. I've dealt with too many teachers who weren't qualified to teach, who got flustered if a student didn't simply bow down and obey. My sons had teachers that I would have to grade their responses and send it back, because the school district couldn't afford qualified teachers. There's no way I would trust them with a live weapon around my children. Not unless they passed training and qualification, and even then I'd be skeptical based on their actions elsewhere. But, if a teacher volunteers to carry a weapon and is qualified they should have that option. My opposition is in funding the mandatory arming of all teachers regardless of what they want.

I'm also not opposed to home schooling, and the above is part of the reason I pulled my sons out of school to teach them at home. Unfortunately, I've also seen many home school families who focus on their version of religion and ignoring any real education. One family who lived close to me just let their son run loose all day because they didn't want to bother with the expense of education. Just like any other system, there are those who use it properly and those who don't.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have a real discussion about this. It's difficult to do so in most forums because so many tend to simply attack those who don't agree with them. It's refreshing to see civility isn't a lost art.

You claim there is no way we can afford to arm a security force for our public schools but we had no problem finding the money to heavily arm the BLM, ATF, DEA, the IRS, etc.... I don't think this is a funding problem.

That's part of the problem. We can fund weaponry easily enough but we can't fund actual important things like education. I'm sure guns in schools will be funded, which means we'll end up with students essentially in prisons being indoctrinated without any actual education or learning going on. As it is now most children are simply learning to repeat what they're told without ever questioning the information. It's been like this for a couple of generations now, which is why we have so many adults that don't know how to use critical thinking.