Busy Day - February 9, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in #homesteading4 months ago

Packed for the day crop Feb. 2024.jpg

On Friday, after a bad night, I got going, got a load of dishes in the dishwasher and breakfast then realized this was the first day of the events at the Senior center.

I would be packing my lunch and a change of clothes as I would be staying through til the end. So I quickly made a lunch of a smoothie with blueberries and pecans, and got my clothes packed.

While I waited for my ride, I got some of the laundry put away.

After the exercise class I sat and read for a while then went and had lunch with the other people.



Once lunch was finished and the area arranged for a lecture, we sat and listened to an actor talk about what he’d learned doing Shakespeare for 52 years. (The blurb got it wrong.)

It was fascinating, all he taught himself to be able to perform the various plays. He did excerpts from Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, and 3 others. The Senior van brought me home at 2PM.

I was very exhausted and just lay down to rest the rest of the day. Before I could I was informed that NO ONE had fed the cat at noon. Poor cat, nearly starved to death. So once he was happy, I could rest.

On Saturday it’s to be warm but cloudy. My general helper is coming at 12:30 PM and we intend to tackle the New Herb garden and get as much of the tall dead stuff out as she can. I will sit and pull weeds. That ought to finish me off, but it’s to start raining in the evening and all day Sunday, so I can be dead.


Enjoy the warm weather, and the rain is right behind it.

Mr kitten should never be left hungry 😔 but you had a productive day no doubt.

(The blurb got it wrong.)

haha I did the math as I was reading, and thought "that's impossible."

I'm glad your cat survived the ordeal.