Making Raspberries Happy - September 24, 2020 @goldenoakfarm

Anne raspberry before crop Sept. 2020.jpg

I have a tiny bed of Anne raspberries. It was abandoned last year due to construction. On Thursday, after he finished the last foliar feeding of the year, I asked my helper friend to start cleaning it out.

I was supposed to be out there doing the perimeter of the Small garden but woke with the right side of my face all swollen and a jaw that wouldn’t open. So I was down for the count on Thursday.

Anne raspberry after crop Sept. 2020.jpg

He managed to get the weeds, grass and the volunteer New England aster out of there. I’d hoped he’d be able to mulch it with the hay mulch, but he ran out of time. He’ll be back on Friday and can finish it then.

Southernwood for dehydrator crop Sept. 2020.jpg

I didn’t get much accomplished on Thursday. I’d done the chores as my husband had gone deepsea fishing. I managed to break a post on the electric netting for the pasture birds, so my helper friend brought the net to the house and I found a post and repaired it.

After a spell on the couch, I harvested this southernwood for the dehydrator. Alternating resting and small jobs, I got it into the dehydrator, some dishes done, and sold some eggs.

To treat the infection, I tucked a poultice of my garlic scape pesto up over the gums. I changed it out every 3 – 4 hours and by Friday morning the infection, swelling, and pain was gone. I’ve used this method multiple times over the years. Sometimes just doing it overnight is enough, but this was a worse one and took 24 hours to resolve.

So I’m planning to start the Small garden perimeter on Friday morning while my helper friend finished the raspberries and starts on a new flower bed by the front porch.


That’s not good you had an infection! What was the cause, a bit of food stuck or something? Really glad you know your way around the medicinal plants and are able to take it down naturally!

The raspberry plant will definitely be happy with that, it’s nice and cleared out!

Probably food stuck...