Seedlings, Flowers and Doings - May 22, 2022 @goldenoakfarm

Dining window crop May 2022.jpg

First thing Sunday morning I got the seedlings sorted out and started taking the shelves and lights out of the dining room window. The house had done ok on Saturday in the heat, but it was warmer inside on Sunday as it hadn’t cooled down much overnight. I needed to be able to pull the shades as much as possible.

Porch seedlings north crop May 2022.jpg

I filled the shelves on the porch after taking one more tray to the cold frame, balsam and Tulsi basil this time.

Porch seedlings south crop May 2022.jpg

I put a 4th tray on the bottom shelf, though it’s not ideal, being so close to the door handle and light switch. As expected, the sprawly seedlings are growing rapidly. I hope to be in the garden early on Monday and start planting and mulching, now I have amendment.

Laundry day crop May 2022.jpg

Next I got the week’s laundry going. I’d hoped to have it hung out by noon, but kept forgetting it when the washer finished. I think the last load went out at 2:30. Fortunately with the heat, and the wind rising through the afternoon, it dried by 7PM and I was able to get it inside before the storm hit.

Azalea flower close-up crop May 2022.jpg

I had noticed that the azalea had flowered due to the heat, so once I had those 2 projects done, I went outside while it was still cool and got photos.

Azalea flowers crop May 2022.jpg

The spiderwort had also started to flower.

Anne raspberries crop May 2022.jpg

I’d cleaned out the Anne raspberry bed, fed them, and mulched the bed in April. But for a long time I wasn’t seeing much growth. But the heat made them burst forth over the weekend.

East Shed - pink wood hyacinths crop May 2022.jpg

When I hung out the laundry I saw the wood hyacinths had opened. I have one pink one in that bed.

Rugosa rose - 1st flowers crop May 2022.jpg

When I came back from barn chores, I noticed there were 2 flowers on the rugosa rose.

Rugosa rose - close-up crop May 2022.jpg

As soon as there are several I’ll need to collect them for the dehydrator. But that means getting seedlings out of the south window of the porch…

3rd Fence - verbascum crop May 2022.jpg

In the 3rd Fence garden, one of my verbascums has flowered.

6th Fence - creeping phlox crop May 2022.jpg

In the 6th Fence garden the creeping phlox is still blooming. The blue is creeping veronica.

New Herb - Row 1, woad flowers crop May 2022.jpg

When I turned around the woad in the New Herb garden, Row 1, is at its usual wildness with flowers. This is an incredibly prolific plant!

New Herb - Row 2, blue flax crop May 2022.jpg

Behind it in Row 2, the blue flax my cleaning helper had weeded is flowering. I have more seedlings to plant there. I hope to get to it this week while the weather is so nice.

New Herb - volunteer batchelors buttons crop May 2022.jpg

The bachelors’ buttons at the other end of the New Herb harden, the volunteers we left in the top walkway, have started to flower.

South Herb - peony buds about to open crop May 2022.jpg

In the heat, the peony in the South Herb garden has swollen buds. It will open in a day or 2.

West of Steps - 2 dianthus flowering crop May 2022.jpg

These pretty dianthus by the front steps are so cheerful. And they should last all season if I can keep them deadheaded.

I spent most of the day editing photos and watching Season 1 of Downton Abbey. It was far too hot and humid and I’d not slept well. I had thought I’d go to the cellar to work, but just didn’t have the energy.

Wood guy moving trash wood crop May 2022.jpg

Around 4:30 the wood guy showed up on his big tractor and started pushing the trash wood over the bank.

Cleaning out the woodpiles crop March 2022.jpg

In March this is what that area looked like. The wood guys had come and cut up whatever wood was still good and pushed the big pieces over the bank as they would cost far too much to process.

Wood area - cleaned up crop May 2022.jpg

We had the woodbee and got the good wood in the shed. Tom had knocked down the briars on Saturday. And now this area looks like this. We’ll get it raked out smooth (Tom plans to bring the York rake back and use my Ford tractor to do this) and I hope to get grass seed down and keep it all mowed, like we used to. The wood guy did a really nice job!

I don’t know if I will bring in log lengths ever again. That’s under discussion. But this year it looks like most of the wood coming in will be stacked right into the shed. I’ve talked with the wood guy about getting the empty side of the shed filled this week. What to do about wood for the other shed is still up in the air as the shed won’t be finished until autumn.

Well, I’d best finish this, got do the cats, and get on with my day.


Wow! Cool! but wait! LOL
A lot of laundries! hahaha...

A whole week's worth and one gets very dirty this time of year on the farm....

Must wash the clothes 3x a week! ^_^

Good morning @goldenoakfarm, you really know how to grow, just awesome. You so impress me with your knowledge of all your plantings. I used to know the names of flowers and such, but I have noticed I am slipping a bit. Duh! 😁 My friends and I joke all the time about brain farts, I guess it could be worst right?
Have a lovely day. We are doing some planting today; the hubby has managed to sit sidesaddle on the 4 wheeler so he's now able to back to the big garden and plant in the raised beds. Progress, yeah, he was going nuts just sitting around. But he's healing and we are both so pleased.
Saying goes, "it sucks to get old, but what's the alternative? 😄

They also say getting old is not for sissies! Good for him figuring out how to get outside and do something.

You said a mouth full there sista!

You have certainly gotten a lot done in a short time period. I am hoping to plant the last of my seedlings today as they are getting huge like yours. We do manage to keep ourselves very busy, don't we?

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

You've got the seedlings so nicely stacked up! And I love how all the flowers are bursting forth everywhere.

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Amazing garden full of lovely flowers! You did a lot of work so the results are so rewarding! You’ve good management skills!

Some of my earlier memories of my mom in the kitchen, were of her making Rose Hip Marmalade. Do you do anything with the Rose hips from the Rugosa rose?

No, because it seems they require a lot of processing due to the tiny hairs inside them.

I cut the inside stone fruit out, and then process the flesh like I do any other marmalade. It's a fairly easy process once you get the stone out.