
Wow thanks for sharing story!

It’s a hard one to tell! Thank you for taking the time to read it

Man that is an experience that I hate to see happen, we have several friends that also had issues with Harvey. Have torn out a bunch of sheet rock from house this fall as well. Wish you the best man.

Thank you! never in a thousand years would I have expected to experience this! Definitely a growing experience!

Yes, I think they even classified it like 500 or 1000 year flood.

Yes they did! Im hoping my kiddos never have to go through this again!

My goodness! All those poor bees! I think its amazing that you documented all this!

Thank you! I knew there would be those that wanted to see how it went down. Thanks for taking the time to read it!

unbelievable! ...

That’s why I took pictures. I had forgotten how bad it actually was until I started going back through pictures. I guess I blocked

Sometimes misery makes the best stories. You guys are fighters!

The story is still being written as we speak (type)!

Oh wow... This brought tears to my eyes...
I know how I would feel if that were my house, my family. How awful!
This is the first post I saw, so now I need to go back and read up. Ill be following to see what happened next.

It was a hard one to write and relive! Still a little fresh in my mind. Thank you for

Wow! I could hardly read this story through the tears swelling in my eyes! I can't even imagine! Blessings to you and your family!

Thank you for stopping by! I almost didn't write it, but i am glad I did!

Oh wow. That was such a scary time for everyone there. I remember keeping updated from my parents who live north of Houston. They did not get any flooding other than their yard, but I had some other friends in the area who did. Such devastation. It was insane to see all of the videos and pictures coming out of the area. I'm so sorry to see your videos and the total destruction. We had a house get flooded twice (a rental with some furniture) and that was such a pain. I hope you were able to salvage some items. I'm glad that none of you were hurt.

My wife had the homeschool curriculum bagged up on the top bunk of the boys room as soon as the hurricane made landfall! We were fortunate to have had the time to boat some things out before the water got too high! Thanks for stopping by!

Glad that you were able to get things out and the homeschool materials! I heard that some of the major homeschool curriculums were offering free replacements to homeschool flooded families! Such a crazy time.

Wow...I can't imagine seeing this and experiencing this myself!

I remember 2016 a neighboring city flood d like this. Homes destryoed and all their belongings out beside the road. I drove through it with my mouth hung open

Looks like you will have to throw out a bunch of stuff too. How much do you think you will be able to save? 30% or somewhere closer to 70%?

As far as belongings that can be carried...50%-60%. Everything else was a loss. cabinets all sheetrock etc... The next few installments in the story on here will give you an idea!

Looking forward to seeing that...but on the other hand, sorry!

Thank you

@mnmleger... Wow. I'm so sorry you took such a hit with the storm. It's a tough thing to have gone through. I'm glad you're writing about it.

Thank you for stopping by!