in #homesteading6 years ago

Life has been a lot of learning and teaching lately.

A large variety of activities that I now frequently find doing were completely unknown to me just two years ago. From the type of animal husbandry that we are now engaged in to operating heavy machinery to a wide range of other tasks, it's all stuff that I've learned recently. Thankfully, I cannot only show my @little-peppers how a lot of these things are done, but I can pass the knowledge on to others too!


It wasn't too long ago that I was trimming the hooves of our sheep for the first time in my life. Yesterday, I was already passing that knowledge on to my neighbor. For those of you who don't already know, @bluerthangreen and @allforthegood live right next door to me, so we often help one another out.

One of their goats had a tear on its ear. Possibly, their dog was the guilty party. Since a long strip of it was dangling, we had to cut it off before it tore and made matters worse. In the photo above you should be able to see a bit of blood on the ear closest to me.

Since I had been planning on showing them how to trim the goats' hooves anyway, this seemed like the easiest time to do it. After all, we were already in the pen, with the goats, and had a razor blade with us. There are many tools that people can use for this task, including dremels and shears, but I've always been pretty handy with a razor blade and it can get the job done.

They had two female goats that we wanted to give a "pedicure" to, so that was a total of eight hooves, each split into two halves. Since @bluerthangreen is a fast learner, I only have to demonstrate on one hoof and he took care of the rest. Not only did it give us a chance to help keep his goats in optimum health, it also gave us an opportunity to hang out and talk a bit. It is such a blessing to have helpful friends so close by.

The two does that they have right now are very different from one another. One is a larger "meat goat" with her horns intact, of the Boer variety. The other is a younger "milk goat" who has been dis-budded, of the Nubian type. Hopefully they will be able to breed and provide more goats for the years to come!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely



this is really a very good job how to care for goats.
I got a lot of knowledge from @papa-peppe.
on how to care for animals.
thanks my true friends @papa-peppr have shared.

A farrier trims hooves on horses. What name would you give to goat hoof trimmers?

Much like a tree that has been trimmed too short, I'm stumped.

Using a sharp knife "Bloody Silly"
Goatherder would probably fit.

Years ago I was tasked looking after some aspects of occupational safety.
The theory that they worked on was
for every 330 times you take the same risk [cutting hooves with sharp knives instead of foot rot shears for example] 299 you will get away with it. 30 times you will cut yourself. once you will lose a finger.
it is a random selection, how much of a gambler are you?
Use the right tool for the job, it is easier and a lot safer.

Thanks for the important info..👍

Very interesting post!
Very interesting to see.

Thank you @syarol! Glad that you enjoyed it!

it looks like you changed yourself
Its good keep it up

Changed myself?

Life is beautiful when we help each other and be one hand

I certainly agree with that! Thank you!

wow amazing you tame the people and nurture gratitude brother

Thank you.

brother please help me to be like brother @papa-pepper

Enjoy the vote and reward!

Thanks brother

Wah ....
Sungguh kegiatan yang seru

Good in rearing and taking care of animals. Nice photo@papa-pepper

Thank you, the photos were compliments of our seven year old, Pinkie-Pepper.

Friends may I have your attention please. My profile reputation score(rank ) fell down from 30 to 13. So please anyone tell me what is the reason.

I had a brief glance at your profile I didn't open any of your posts but my first thought is you are posting others work/videos here, Steemit is big into original work mate try not copy others not saying you are but if you are that may the the issue, use it don't use it etc.. Take it easy. Cheer$;)

@craigcryptoking Thanks for your attention. Can I get back my reputation score

Just start posting original content and start making friends.

I understand very well. Thanks for suggestion

you are very kind to animals, its humble habit

what a nice way to show @littlepeppers how life really is and how to socialize and help other people . all the photos were taken so awesome, the quality and the angles of the shots are amazing @papa-pepper 👏👍❤️❤️❤️

hi papa , i shared something on discord please let me what you think.

what a cool lifestyle you have got there.

Loving your work big boss.. my sister is a goat farmer in the karoo I don't have any posts here but if you search goshna on FB you will see her there.. amazing stuff, milks creams body butters etc goats really are great. PS: Are we gonna be seeing that epic selfie contest again? Cheer$;)

I am shooting for mid to late February on the selfie contest. Practice up!

Pretty damn amazing, Pappa, how you keep this blog going so strong and doing all the things you do during the day. I could only dream of doing it. I commend you, brother ;)
Keep on keeping on !!

It takes a lot of effort, but I try to be a hard worker anyway.

I would say.. thanks for helping neighbours. If you weren't good at what you do you wouldn't have been able to help when help was needed.
Continue being good sir! Cheers.

Thanks @omonosa! I appreciate your encouragement!

U're welcome sir!

The dog is like thinking “when is my turn for the pedicure?”

I don't think I'll be helping with that one!

wow !! Your all photograph such a wonderfull @papa-pepper

The photos were taken by one of my @little-peppers.

May the goats get well soon and healthy @papa-pepper. I like you, because you someone loves animals.

I certainly do enjoy the animals out there in the world.

In my region, Aceh (Indonesia), I am very fond of elephants and other wildlife that are often killed by hunters.

Keep the good work up man! 🤛

I will! Thank you for the encouragement!

There are issues of human education in every field of life and whether it can learn from the time of the beginning of its learning and from the beginning to the beginning of any work

If i'm understanding you correctly, I agree! Thanks @kaysar07!

"Possibly, their dog was the guilty party."

Yes, it is. Mere looking the dog's face, you can tell. You are such a good person at hesrt, not just on steemit but on reality check.

That's what I thought! Guilty as charged!

No better way to learn than by immersion :) You're clearly a fast learner, and your kids will no doubt thank you for the invaluable survival skills in the future! Well done @papa-pepper :)

Yeah, those @little-peppers will at least know how to learn, even if the path of their lives do not lead down this same path. Thanks!

Animal husbandry is a cool investment option anyone can venture into. Return on Investment is guaranteed if done properly. Thanks @papa-pepper for this post.

It really is, and should be taken seriously. Preventative care is much easier than dealing with the issues that animals have when they are not cared for.

Watch out for the goat horns, they can make a mess of you if you're not careful.

Is that a pistol on @bluerthangreen's belt?

Do you need to be armed on your own property out there?

It is optional.

It's just such a strange thing to see - a farmer wearing a pistol while trimming goat hooves.

Out here pretty much no-one carries guns, not even the cops. So it's just hard to imagine doing it.

That is a blessing to have neighbors like that who are willing to help each other like that.
Hope the little goat's ear will heal fast. The goats are so cute and I've learned that there are milking and meat goats. Awesome. Thanks always learning from @papa-pepper
Have a lovely day @papa-pepper

Yeah, people keep goats for a variety of reasons, but most are classified in one of those two categories, even if people just keep them for pets or as lawnmowers.

He,He. I like it environmental safe lawnmower which produces milk and not just any milk but the healthy kind of milk.
I always wanted to have a goat for the milk purposes and they are so cute, so maybe when I go back to El Salvador I will get one.

Pinkie Pepper is becoming quite the photographer. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

@papa-pepper you really done well in taking your time to care for animals. Is also a sweet deal of experience. I also study animal in the University. Am an animal scientist I specialize in
large ruminant, e.g cow
Small ruminant e.g goat, sheep and
Non-ruminant poultry. I love your work keep it up 👍👍👍👏

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