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RE: Broken Proposal UI

in #howo • 9 months ago (edited)

What the fuck are you talking about dude? 😂

Literally everyone knows where the money went and what was done was all covered in dozens of updates. It was all stated clearly onchain and ive even shared bank receipts with people.
In this second proposal they also know exactly who received the money by name.
I doxxed myself in order to be transparent and used my name to even be able to complete these proposals.


See, I circled them for you.

So fuck you for calling me a criminal. Dipshit.


Did I call you a criminal? I think you're putting words in my mouth. And what's with the insults and profanity, not very professional sir. My point is your proposals are unchecked. I'd like to do a full audit of your marketing proposal and the net cost it meant for the fund, devaluing hive. I think there should be a hold on all proposals until there is a system of checks and balances, that's how the real world operates. Instead, it's a charity fund for promises for the ones who are closest with mainly the witnesses. Each one of your projects are managed by your kindness of updating users. You could yourself implement a better system, have you considered tracking it all on a spreadsheet or in a single place... you know kind of like a balance sheet? I know you value hive and want it to do well. But, in my opinion there's no check on potential greed.