Do you believe that Zhang Zhichao acquitted of rape and murder after 13 years in prison without forced to confess by torture?

in #huarennews4 years ago


In February 2005, a female corpse was found in an abandoned toilet in Linshu No.

Although four of his classmates provided him with alibi, in March 2006, the first instance of Linyi middle court found Zhang Zhichao guilty of rape and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

In 2011, Zhang Zhichao, who had been silent for six years, suddenly called out in an interview with his mother Ma Yuping that he had been tortured to extort a confession. Since then, Ma Yuping has opened the way for her son to appeal.

On January 13, 2020, the higher people’s Court of Shandong Province announced the retrial of “Zhang Zhichao case”. After 13 years in prison, Zhang Zhichao was acquitted.

However, Zhang Zhichao’s lawyer revealed that the court did not determine that Zhang Zhichao had been tortured to extort a confession, but that the legality of the interrogation was questionable.

Do you believe it?

Why did Zhang Zhichao complain after six years of silence? Lawyer said: at that time, Zhang Zhichao was a minor. He was tortured to extort a confession in public security. He thought it was useless to turn over the confession. He didn’t dare to say it because he had confessed before and was tortured. Later, he read some law books in prison and slowly learned some law knowledge, so he got up the courage to tell his mother that he didn’t do it.

Why would Zhang Zhichao, a minor, plead guilty to his sins and practice Dharma? Is it not extorting confession by torture, or is it necessary to be a Bodhisattva of salvation and self transcendence?

How about acquittal? If the perpetrators of extorting confessions by torture are not solved, everyone can be Zhang Zhichao, who cannot be spared

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